MELBOURNE: World’s "Most Locked-Down City"
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 23, 2021
235 days of lockdown-seize... and counting (the final total would prove to be 263 days of lockdown.)
Melbourne has now achieved the global record of "The World's most locked-down city."
On August the 5th, with just 7 dubious new community transmissions for 6.7 million Victorians, we were all deceived into accepting a mere "7-day snap-lockdown."
Ostensibly, it was a necessary "circuit-breaker," a "precautionary" measure to get in front of the spread...
It was always intended to be protracted to guarantee the necessary social-psychological "conditioning" to implement a medical apartheid solution of total control.
Alas, 7-days have evolved into 7-weeks of indefinite lockdown, with the original '7 positive cases' now having reached an all time daily high of 766.
Just 7 daily cases, just 7 days... now 7 weeks, now 766 daily cases...
Deliberately led into Dan-mnation...