NO MORE "STATE OF EMERGENCY”: My Letter To Members of Parliament & Cross-Benchers
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 15, 2021
This is my letter to the Members of Parliament and Cross-Benchers who will be voting in the next few days to potentially grant Dan Andrews a nine-month extension of 'State of Emergency' powers.
Honourable Member of Parliament,
I am writing in regard to the imminent Parliamentary vote on Dan Andrews’ requested extension of his ‘State Of Emergency’ powers for an additional nine months.
No more.
Andrews cannot be trusted with an additional day, let alone a month-by-month continuation over nine months.
It is indisputable that Andrews has consistently abused these powers, and will continue to do so.
The coronavirus pandemic in Victoria was never a ‘State of Emergency,’ and certainly not a ‘State of Disaster.’ With objective analysis of the facts, and with present day hindsight, it is apparent that the resulting economic turmoil and the concomitant human disasters created by his supreme abuse of supreme power — should never be permitted again. The current Victorian tragedy is manifold and of monumental proportions. Many have suffered immeasurably; are suffering; and will continue to suffer as the ramifications of Andrews’ unchecked abuse ripples into the future.
You have an opportunity to finally check his abuse.
Our Premier was entrusted to do the right thing, and he chose to capitalise on the naïve goodwill and the early pandemic anxiety of all Victorians. We believed that he would act, and was acting on behalf of our best interests to protect our health and to secure the safety of our state.
Evidently, this was neither his primary motivation, nor the agenda pursued.
It is now apparent that Victorians were being systematically traumatised and conditioned as a means of accumulating further control, and to maximise the uptake of a future vaccine. The lockdown served one essential purpose: it was an effective ‘Advance Marketing Commitment’ (brokered by CEPI and Gavi) that governments (originating with our Federal Government) are contractually obligated to pursue once a national ‘agreement’ has been brokered with a certain vaccine company (AstraZeneca) to produce an expected vaccine. Basically, it is “insurance.” It is a business contract that safeguards the invested money and guarantees a future profit for the vaccine producer: especially if the pandemic ceases to be relevant, and interest in the vaccine is minimal, or even deemed unnecessary.
In this context: everything that has transpired in Victoria has all been a campaign of ‘Advance Marketing Commitment.’ A government’s decision to lockdown a populace is a ‘commitment’ to ‘marketing’ a vaccine in ‘advance’. Indeed, Victorians were being deceptively manipulated into believing that a forthcoming vaccine would deliver them from a lockdown nightmare, and potential nightmares to come — so the lockdown was inhumanely protracted to maximise submission and compliance. It was all advanced marketing!
That has been the governing agenda throughout.
In the process, Andrews has ruthlessly pursued a destructive and unscientific lockdown strategy with zero transparency and callous abandon (arrogantly concealing his purported models and “science” advice). It is indeed a mercy that his current ‘State of Emergency’ powers are ending this month (locked-down again in summer for a cold-and-flu winter virus — suspiciously one week from the national vaccine rollout! Advance Marketing Commitment!); and as Victoria recuperates, not so much from the pandemic, but rather the malfeasance of an autocratic Labour Government — the welfare of all Victorians cannot again be jeopardised by such irrational diktats.
These powers are not needed, and were truthfully never needed; and in the light of the many abuses perpetrated by Andrews against the people of Victoria — it is unconscionable to vote on the Bill to grant him the ability to continue his tyrannical pursuits.
If granted a nine-month extension, it is inevitable that Andrews will continue to pursue his reckless fear-mongered policies. The unprecedented social wreckage Andrews has already wrought by exploiting the legality of his ‘State of Emergency’ powers is undeniably harrowing — no more, and never again.
I sincerely urge you to vote a definitive ‘no,’ and to not compromise: no more ‘State of Emergency’ (even month-to-month) in the context of our pandemic response.
No more extreme lockdowns for a virus that 99.98% survive and is no more deadly than the seasonal flu.
Sincerely, and with utmost concern,