NSW "FREEDOM DAY": Free To Be A Slave
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 11, 2021
“She'll be right, mate...”
As Victoria enters a bleak period of record daily infections — NSW is emerging from 106-days of farcical self-hoaxing as they congratulate themselves for submitting and regaining "lost" freedoms that were never truly lost, but, rather, strategically confiscated and stolen. It was all callously orchestrated to coerce the uptake of a medical experiment.
Indeed, all that has been done in the name of a virus, has been done against us for the advancement of this very agenda.
All were more free before this "Freedom Day," and much has been surrendered as the multitude marched behind the very Lie that has led them to this glorious moment: "freedom," a collective goose-stepping parade that has temporarily halted, to reflect, and salute the Saviour Syringe... before the endless march resumes...
Meanwhile, Victoria's "Freedom Day" has been jeopardised by "high case numbers," perhaps deliberately sabotaged — given that our actual "Freedom Day" was on August the 5th, when just 7 inconsequential "cases" resulted in our current perpetual lockdown and the emerging reality of 2000+ daily "vaccine" infections.
If we had neglected to observe the disease-propagating instructions of our CHO, and refused to obey all the glaringly idiotic and unscientific restrictions and mandates, and collectively rejected the marketed experiment — we would all currently be free.
It is apparent that with a greater uptake of the experiment: the more the experiment "leaks" and wreaks havoc.
Indeed, in hindsight (however, always in sight, and always seen by those who are immune to the propaganda, and aware of the overarching agenda) "our only way out of this," might have been to do exactly the reverse of what has been done — as all government interventions have monumentally failed to navigate us out of the "pandemic," and to achieve any semblance of community health.
...And that was surely the plan.
Today's "freedom" in NSW is a trial of slavery. If left unchallenged — it will be refined, reimagined and perfected; the lockdown tyranny will eventually recommence, and like Victoria last year, after emerging from 111-days of our lockdown — our "Freedom Day" was premature, and intended to psychologically demoralise when it was eventually "regressed" into our present incarceration.
It is all a PsyOp — as the social, economical, and psychological infrastructure is installed to materialise the cage that many are dutifully assembling around themselves: The Age of Sickness.
NSW is trailing Victoria, much like New Zealand is trailing Australia; and Australia is trailing the dystopian Green Pass medical-totalitarianism witnessed in Israel — a nation now riddled with the "boosted" numbers of vaccine maimed, injured and dead.
They are misleading us all to a self-inflicted and entirely manufactured "diseased" damnation: we must not replicate and suffer the fate of Israel.
She won't be right, mate...
We must make it right, mate... for allowing things to be as they are, to unfold as they will — will always fall to the favour of the Darkness.
Choose Light, and choose to light the way in the gloom — for it is our only choice, and it will not go unseen by the Eternal eyes that see all.