ON THE EVE OF A NEW STAGED OUTBREAK: An Open Letter to the Victorian Government
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published May 27, 2021
Dear Victorian Government,
The general credulity and goodwill amongst Victorians has drastically shifted against your obvious agenda. The majority are talking, and they are no longer silent, and they are certainly angered by your blatant deception.
We are truly tired of your need to continue the pandemic game at the behest of your Pharma contracts and entanglements — cut your losses, you have lost!
We do not want your dodgy experimental serum, and we do not want the associated blood clots and impaired health — never did.
Now is the time for transparency and accountability — you must act to substantiate your official claims and reassure all Victorians that the decisions made on their behalf are founded in robust and trusted science, and not merely useful propaganda for Big Pharma conquests.
Indeed, when the hour arrives and your only defence is: "I was only following orders” — the enraged public will applaud your trial and demand absolute retribution for all that they have endured.
You best start behaving honestly.
Before Victorians are asked to wholeheartedly invest in your current "outbreak" reality, a few pertinent questions require an immediate government response:
(1) Firstly, have any of the individuals who have allegedly tested "positive" received one, or more of the required vaccinations to supposedly confer immunity?
If so, this must be declared. A failure to divulge such information is a concealment of a criminal fact. A previously vaccinated "case" is a fake case.
(2) When using the notoriously inaccurate and unsuitable PCR test methodology:
- How many times were the supposedly "positive" individuals tested? Multiple times?
- Was there a follow-up blood serum test?
- Were they tested numerous times — until the desired result was achieved based on a mere suspicion of a potential infection?
- Was the amplification of the supposed viral molecules achieved at 40-45 cycle threshold, guaranteeing a 89-94% chance of a false positive?
Your labs proclaim that 40-to-45 cycles is the standard, but even Dr Fauci is on record claiming that anything 'at 35-cycles or higher, the chances of the test being accurate are "minuscule." "It's very frustrating for the patients as well as for the physicians," he said, when "somebody comes in, and they repeat their PCR, and its like [a] 37 cycle threshold, but you almost never can culture virus from a 37-threshold cycle.'
Basically, are you still using a cycle threshold of 40+ that, 'almost never' can 'culture virus?'
Declaring a "positive" with such a high-cycle amplification is indisputably a "false positive." This would be deliberately misleading, and ultimately criminal.
(3) The CDC recently recommended that to maximise data accuracy, all "breakthrough" cases occurring in the vaccinated are only to be tested at 28-cycles, or less, to preserve accuracy. In the interests of pursuing this accuracy, given that "cases" have catastrophic economic and social repercussions via lockdowns and restrictions (and are otherwise meaningless) — please declare whether these new "positive cases" were tested at 28-cycles or less?
If not, they were never a "case."
A refusal to tell us otherwise, and to knowingly contribute to the advancement of a fictitious "outbreak" narrative — is truthfully a positive criminal case.
Please prove to us that you are not behaving criminally to advance an obvious criminal agenda, by presenting evidence that disproves the obvious crime.
The onus is on you — for we know what you have done, and why you are doing it, and we are calling you out!
If you are neither willing, nor capable of answering these questions in a straightforward and satisfactorily manner — we look forward to applauding your forthcoming trial.
Never yours, sincerely,
All Victorians