PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 26, 2021
As we await the results of our coerced Clinical Trial...
How many of those now double-punctured were aware that they were entering into an ongoing Clinical Trial involving the experimental use of a controversial "gene therapy" treatment that had invariably failed during all prior Phase 3 Trials on animal test subjects?
All died.
How many were informed that for these "vaccines" the animal trials were deliberately skipped (because they would have inevitably failed) — and that human subjects were unethically substituted for the Phase 3 Trial candidates as part of an ongoing Global Clinical Trial that has yet to determine true purported "efficacy and safety?"
A premature assessment by scientists of former animal trials deemed that the subjects were "successfully inoculated” — until they eventually encountered the "wild virus/variants" and suffered the catastrophic complications of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).
All died.
How many are aware that they are now partaking in the greatest medical experiment ever conducted on humanity — and that the results are still pending?
There is no guarantee that this reckless experiment will be successful, or, in their final analysis, actually constitute the definition of "vaccinated" or a "vaccine"...
...but, perhaps, it may be determined to be: a historic human disaster, a catastrophically failed experiment, a horrific lesson learned...
We do not actually have a verifiable, scientifically confirmed 'vaccine' (by any true definition) for the supposed viral concern — what we do have is a product being aggressively marketed (coercion, bribery, blackmail, propaganda) by billionaires to the plebs (orchestrated by the Apex Predator Class that is fixated on eugenics and depopulation) on the basis that we must simply trust their noble motivation, and believe unquestionably in their humanitarian vision of advancing health by human blood-ritual vial transference...
We might just have a problem.