OUR PANDEMIC OF AUTHORITARIANISM: Pathological Leadership Mirrored in its Pathological Enforcers
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 19, 2021

Uniformed men brutalising elderly women... because they can.
VicPol have a reputation for cowardly targeting women and the elderly —the "most vulnerable”— under what has proven to be a true "Pandemic of Authoritarianism."
Indeed, during Dan Andrews' Daily Doom Sermons last year, he programmed the initial psychological phase of the "new normal" with his ominous refrain: "The elderly are most at risk."
It seems that the intended meaning was always twofold, especially under Authoritarian rule and unchecked criminal misdirection.
Christopher R. Browning wrote a chilling account of how average "ordinary men" (German police officers) could become homicidal instruments of an Authoritarian ideology, capable of performing mass shootings, and partaking in the genocidal extermination of innocents.
Ordinary Men is the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police.
'Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but, rather, ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions.'
'Very quickly three groups emerged within the battalion:
(1) a core of eager killers,
(2) a plurality who carried out their duties reliably but without initiative,
(3) and a small minority who evaded participation in the acts of killing without diminishing the murderous efficiency of the battalion whatsoever.'
The two Victorian police officers who were filmed coordinating a targeted attack on an elderly woman, violently shoving her to the ground and then sadistically spraying her eyes with their capsicum solution as if exterminating "a pest" showed the cruel 'initiative' of Browning's 'core of eager killers.'
These two are undeniably sociopaths.
They have both exhibited that they possess the pathological tendency to perform heinous acts of unrestrained brutalisation: they are latent future killers.
Neither of these two police officers are quantifiably human (no true human could exhibit such relish in performing an unprovoked infliction of pain upon an elderly woman) — they should each be immediately stripped of their badge and uniform; permanently removed from any future role within the police force; publicly condemned, and their actions should be aggressively prosecuted. A precedent must be established: this behaviour will not be tolerated.
You do not touch the elderly. You do not spray a substance into their eyes with the intent to impair vision, and induce debilitating pain.
Like the German Police Officers that delighted in becoming the "core killers" of the Nazi Regime (it was always in their nature) — these individuals are true monsters bereft of morality and compunction, who are only restrained by the current limited expression of our Authoritarian Government.
Should the Authoritarian paradigm continue to shift toward greater anti-human amorality and ideological extremism — these are the very "men" that will kill upon order with a smile.
These officers are truly evil men expressing their evil nature under an evil leadership: psychopathology manifest.
If we are to preserve our collective humanity and the very cohesion of civilised Western society — we cannot tolerate even minor instances of such behaviour.
This is not Australia, and this is not how Australians treat Australians, especially the most vulnerable.