PLASTERING UNTRUTHS: Posting-Over Reality by Gluing Down the Essential Lie
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 21, 2021
‘Approved COV.ID-19 vaccines have been tested extensively for safety and effectiveness.’
The purpose of this “concerned” ‘Facebook banner notification’ should be apparent.
Like the ubiquitous propaganda posters that were once plastered over reality during the rise and eventual dominance of all previous totalitarian regimes - both Communist and Fascist - the Essential Lie, repeated endlessly, must relentlessly smother the social-mind to become a default “truth.” The Big Lie is essential, as it becomes the necessary force that usurps freewill, and turns the fulcrum of collective-thought toward darker directions and shadowy agendas.
This is Facebook plastering the Essential Lie over reality — applying deceptive force upon the fulcrum.
The proclamation that the experiment has been ‘tested extensively for safety and effectiveness’ is absurd, and patently false.
All such vaccines have been developed within a frantic timeframe that has suspiciously bypassed ‘extensive’ Phase 3 ‘safety’ trials. What these vaccine producers supposedly achieved in 10-months typically takes 10-to-15 years; and even then, the final safety of the product remains questionable.
Truthfully, these Phase 3 Trials are still ongoing, and no quantitative “vaccine” has truly been produced. All previous animal trials have invariably resulted in the death of the “vaccinated” animals and the abrupt termination of such heinous experimentation (when the animals encountered the natural virus in the wild) — however, this time, for expediency, and to maximise profit, humans have been substituted into Phase 3, and the true Animals await the results.
The primary consideration of the various Drug Barons was never health, or countering a supposed viral pandemic; but rather, to recoup financial investment, maximise projected profits and to aggressively enter the market to curtail the potential dominance and advantage of others pushing a rival product.
It is all an unscrupulous and ruthless business model.
Tellingly, the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) finally approved AstraZeneca’s vaccine on the exact same day as the Pfizer vials arrived in Sydney. What extraordinary and fortuitous timing. Obviously, this was not coincidental: both vaccine options are now “approved” and available for the National Rollout, Sunday, February 21st — thus assuring an even playing field for their respective product launch.
Indeed, AstraZeneca had already produced their first dubious batch, having arrogantly assumed that their experimental offering would ultimately be approved by the TGA, and with such foreknowledge — had been manufacturing their product for the last 3-months at CSL’s Broadmeadow plant.
How could AstraZeneca have so confidently predicted that it would meet all ‘safety’ concerns, and finally be approved by the TGA?
It is apparent that our government, both state and Federal, and all associated governmental organisations (TGA) are utterly compromised and complicit, and are determined to deliver upon the contractual agreement brokered by CEPI to vaccinate all Australians.
It is of utmost importance to be aware that the Federal Government has granted indemnity for all the inevitable side effects, debilitation and potential deaths that will result from the unfettered madness of such mad science.
There can be no true reassurance of ‘effectiveness’ or ‘safety,’ when the product pushers have zero liability for the product they are pushing.
Thus, all such speculative claims of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘safety’ are aspects of the Essential Lie, and should be recognised as such.
The falsehoods declared in this reassuring ‘Facebook banner’ should be apparent to all those capable of nourishing themselves, and holding their own spoon.
To those that are still lazily being spoon-fed: the time is nigh to slap away the spoon, and to cease mindlessly digesting the carefully-cooled slop purposely ladled from the hyper-bowl — lest the inevitable moment arrives, when the entirety of the scolding gruel, both spoon and bowl, are pushed mercilessly into your face.
And the flame has been turned up.