PRETENDER BRETT SUTTON: Victoria’s Chief Sickness Officer
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published March 16, 2021
Ah, Brett, you lament that ‘you felt awful as a father,’ but it must have been especially 'awful' knowing that you were merely a celebrated charlatan (to anyone with a conscience) — a groomed plastic media-personality, suspiciously elevated to "Professor" (right before the first pre-planned lockdown, March 2020) because the Agenda required an amicable, handsome 'unlikely sex-symbol' Chief Health Officer as a telegenic counterpart and "pleasant" sidekick-adviser to our abominable skew-eyed-hunchbacked Premier.
You knew exactly what was required of you — and you treasonously accepted with complete awareness of your pathological purpose and the inevitable repercussions of imposing the ruinous "New Normal" agenda.
You were needed to facilitate the Pandemic Lie and cunningly install the tyranny while glorifying the emerging Tyrant — and you did just that, and were paid accordingly with an unrecoverable cost to your blackened-soul.
Your Chief Health Officer "advice" was merely the recitation of a Global Pandemic Script (written by misanthropic Technocratic-Globalist eugenicists and fascists), and you despicably exploited the paranoid naïveté of all trusting Victorians, imposing unscientific mandatory-masking (even outside) and spouting obvious pseudo-science, while offering no actual 'health advice,' as you artfully bluffed, smiled, and introduced and supported every increasing measure of a needless Hell.
In truth, you were a key element in preserving and advancing the COVID Death Cult for Victoria — being an essential 'public component' to delivering the "message," and ensnaring us in the "COVID reality" that now has us at the mercy of a farcical Australian-wide vaccine scam, and future devastating lockdowns.
You were directly responsible for this.
You have utterly betrayed every Victorian, your family included, and in truth, you are the Chief Sickness Officer.
Sick in mind, sick in purpose, sick in soul.