QUEENSLAND: Beautiful One Day, Mutant the Next (the emerging of the Alpha variant)
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 8, 2021
Queensland is about to experience an unscientific three-day lockdown farce.
It is an unfunny joke, and a joke on all — a tragic-comedy, a governmental-guffaw at everyone’s expense.
Like the mandatorily-masked subjects of the devout COVID Death Cult in Victoria, and the recently-masked, Greater Sydney — the media-born terror of the horrible-hoax now seeks to invade, infect and conquer Queenslanders. Surely, only by adopting the mask-of-the-beast can one counter this rampaging invisible non-killer!
Our options are singular: the only possible (although unlikely) ‘return to normal’ after the actual beneficial prophylactics were strategically banned, is a successful mass-uptake of the forthcoming vaccine. However, this mad-scientist experiment with a rushed syringe is only relevant to a population if they can be convinced that it is necessity.
Yesterday, it was not generally deemed necessary by Queenslanders.
As contrived fate would have it, today, after the unlucky 113th day of zero community transmissions, a super contagious “mutant” was alarmingly discovered. It was AstraZeneca’s lucky day! Fortune from misfortune!
One alleged “case.”
The vulturous-vaccine-peddlers and their governmental enablers had been understandably vexed, for they had found no comfort in what had been days-upon-days of sunshine and zero cases. A general perception of virus ‘eradication’ does not make a compelling case for compelled vaccination. So, they were understandably elated when just one “mutant” was found: a single ferocious “viral mutation” that was determined by the single most fraudulently misused PCR methodology ever employed for amplifying a viral molecule. Alas! Rejoice! The United Kingdom’s dreaded “mutant super-strain” had been improbably incubated in the do-gooder-self-reported lungs of a humble Quarantine Hotel cleaner in Queensland.
Logic, and rationality would suggest otherwise.
Indeed, just when the tedious COVID narrative was ceasing to evoke hysteria, and emotional disengagement was the new feared epidemic; the Warlocks of Westminster conjured a new “mutant strain” from within the viscose sludge of their blackened BBC pressroom-cauldron. Overjoyed at the over-bubbling, these ever-so-sordid-sorcerers had birthed a fabulously frightening ‘70 per cent more infectious’ COVID threat! It was impeccably timed to coincide with disrupting UK Christmas celebrations: a veritable humbug!
Soon, despondent and dreary Londoners would be commanded to submit to a second nation-dismantling tyrannical lockdown. It was the perfect magical incantation for exploiting the gullible, the wilfully ignorant, and the cowering cowards. And now, a sunlit hemisphere away, the Dark Magicians seek to do the same in the aptly named, Queensland.
Through a temporary spell-torn fissure in the Space-Time Continuum, the UK “mutant strain” had been summoned from the black etheric-fabric of festering lower-astral chaos realms. It was materialized in a bobbing pustule-bubble, having first been fused into an existing SARS-CoV-2 specimen by repetitive and accursed chants that bound and unwrapped and mutated the viral DNA. The Black-Magick birthing of the “mutant strain” had partially toppled the cauldron at violent inception, as it oozed from floor-spilled overflow, only to inaudibly shriek in those dazed first few moments: “faaaaaaaather!” before becoming aware of its own diabolical purpose, and its tragic ghastliness — it was a mutant, and unlike a perfect snowflake, it was an imperfect abomination.
And it shrieked a shriek of insatiable vengeance on the human species as it fled!
Leaping from the vile vapours, the “mutant strain” rode a passing dust mote to eventually flutter down amongst the urban street folk, and infiltrate the lungs of an unwitting ragged-tramp. It knew why it had been conjured, and the British Parliament knew the calculated human destruction it would leave in its exaggerated wake.
It had all the elements of a traditional Gothic horror: anxiety, morbidity, paranoia and gaslit-maddening madness.
The ‘mutant strain’ is supposedly an ‘incredibly contagious’ new strain that does ‘not increase mortality, and is not ‘a more severe disease,’ but ‘most importantly of all for us…’ is that ‘…it doesn’t affect the efficacy of the vaccines that have been developed to date.’
Basically, the purported “mutant strain” is claimed to be vastly more contagious, yet we currently have no actual proven testing method to successfully and accurately determine verifiable ‘positive cases,’ and real infection numbers. Thus, the case numbers can be plausibly assumed to be largely fictitious, much like the artificially created PCR-produced ‘Second Wave,’ and almost all aspects of the hysteria “pandemic.”
If there is no empirical way of actually determining that it is more contagious, and that it is not causing a higher mortality — it would be logical to conclude, much like the original strain, that this new ‘mutant strain’ is yet another tremendous strain on our collective gullibility.
The crucial fact that it ‘doesn’t affect the efficacy of the vaccines,’ a vaccine that we truly do not know has any positive effect, is unquestionably the most important and revealing aspect of this newly emerged ‘mutant:’ it may be a misunderstood terror, but it respectfully has AstraZeneca’s best interests at heart.
It is all an essential component of the ‘Advanced Marketing Commitment’ that Scott Morrison is contractually performing (through Premier proxies) to ensure that AstraZeneca’s forthcoming vaccine product remains relevant to the targeted recipients: All Australians
That is all you need to know, to actually understand the true motive behind why Greater Brisbane is being psychologically primed, and will experience mandatory masks, border closures and an absurd lockdown beginning this weekend.
'Seventy per cent more contagious': Reason for Greater Brisbane lockdown,' Emily Cosenza, news.com.au, January 8th, 2021