PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 9, 2021
It is without question that the perpetrators of Victoria’s Pandemic Illusion calculated the exact length of our second and most extensive lockdown period to the very hour. Every aspect was strategized and cunningly executed for manipulative effect. They calculated that 111-days would be adequate to demoralise and to fragment resistance, while psychologically priming the populace to submit to the inevitable vaccine agenda. It was all the fulfilment of an ‘Advance Marketing Commitment’ contract that had been brokered by Prime Minister Scott Morrison via CEPI on behalf of AstraZeneca to ensure a return on investment. One only needs to consider the billions that were invested in vaccine development, and the billions-upon-billions that would have been lost should the “pandemic” simply go away — which in reality it already had, for it never truly was.
Indeed, each COVID “outbreak” is predetermined, and all subsequent state lockdowns have been allocated a designated start and end date — nothing is left to chance, and no aspect is simply occurring without the government’s complete oversight.
The actual premise for continuing the 111-day Victorian lockdown was patently illogical, with supposed PCR tests unfit for purpose producing a certain number of predetermined “positives” (a guarantee at a high 40-45 cycle threshold) each and every day — and this ensured that the lockdown persisted.
Evidence of the fraud can be found in the absurdity of what Victorians were being asked to accept: If 15,000 to 20,000 tests (on average) were conducted each day, the number of positive cases were consistently between 300-400 (each day). This ratio of “tests” proportionate to “positive cases” occurred most days with little variation.
How was this possible?
Why was this not questioned?
In a real pandemic, on any given day in which accurate tests might be made, it would be reasonable to expect that from 20,000 daily tests, on certain days, results would fluctuate significantly; and that new daily ‘positive case’ numbers may even be as high as 1500- 3000 (or more) amongst outbreak regions.
That would be reasonable to expect. However, that did not happen.
It did not happen because it was not allowed to happen — lest the number of community “cases” were to become so vast that the illusion might completely implode by the underpinning fiction being exposed. Basically, 300-400 daily cases enabled the narrative to be controlled and comfortably contained. Thus, each day, spellbound Victorians were presented a similar number of cases to the last, and each repetitive number served to demoralise the collective hopes as the lockdown seemed endless, and a forthcoming vaccine was touted as our only way out.
Indeed, each day, ritualistically, many tuned-in to witness another insincere Doom Sermon from Premier Dan Andrews, as he feigned solemnity, and deceptively expressed the passing of nursing home residents as unfortunate COVID fatalities. These individuals actually died of old age, co-morbidities and neglect, with many who had been dependent on palliative care finding themselves left to die. Yet, a dumbed-down population was shown that the virus was bizarrely predictable, and that approximately 20,000 PCR tests would always find approximately 300-400 new “positive cases.”
Day after day...
It should be assumed that the extensive number of daily PCR tests was largely illusory, and the resulting ‘positive cases’ merely imagined. The number of PCR tests performed and daily cases yielded were logistically and scientifically impossible. They were obviously made up throughout.
And, so, alas, as the woeful story goes… Victorians experienced the World’s longest continuous COVID lockdown of 111-days.
It was all for nothing, really.
It is therefore curiously uncanny that the Tyrannical Premier who arrogantly and ruthlessly collapsed Victoria into a Police State dystopia, should have found himself “collapsed” down the “stairs” with a severe spinal injury and out-of-work for EXACTLY 111-days!
Perhaps, it is not so uncanny. Indeed, many once thought uncanny and improbable occurrences associated with the “pandemic,” are now truly normal, expected, and rather commonplace these days — the Liars make sure of it, and the gullible masses make it real.
Might this have been a karmic day of rehabilitation for each day of the World’s longest lockdown, and simply the natural timespan of Andrews’ recovery?
Did Premier Dan Andrews’ 111-days of absence as Premier after his horrific spinal “accident” actually take exactly 111-days? Or was this also a calculated period of absence signifying something significant to those Shadow Lurkers overseeing shadowy things and shadow play in the absence of the Light of Truth?
These Meddling Mystics love their prime numbers and triple-multiples, and 111 is undoubtedly a geomantic code conveying something important to those who have progressed through their degrees of initiation.
It was definitely a sly code for our 111-days of lockdown. Might it also be a code relating to the mysterious circumstances surrounding Dan Andrews’ absence from his leadership?
I would be interested to learn what insights others might have to offer…