PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 6, 2021
To choose, or not to choose?
That is no question.
In a free democratic society, people are not given ultimatums by their elected political representatives. An ultimatum (worded as "a mandate") is not a choice — it is imposed from a position of certain advantage knowing that for the targeted individual to choose otherwise is truly no easy choice at all. Indeed, to choose against — is always disadvantageous.
The October 15th ultimatum is such: either partake in a questionable medical experiment for a questionable virus dictated by a questionable government with questionable motives —without question— or forfeit one's livelihood and employment, and be disconnected from society.
That is no choice.
Ergo, we are not free.
We must choose, and we must choose to have a choice; and that choice must always be ours, and always free!
When we collectively allow a "captured" government to choose for us, and to determine what is required for our health based primarily on the marketing demands of a trillion-dollar pharmaceutical racket that is pursuing a social-engineering project to fuse corporation and government (medical fascism) for ad infinitum profits, and control — we kneel and welcome our enslavement.
One without the freedom to choose — is one who is yoked to the plough of the Decision Maker, and whipped ever-forward into barren fields of certain tyranny.
Such a dynamic has only ever served the one with the whip.
Do not stoop to take the yoke — for you will be forever yoked, and unable to rise from your knees.