PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published March 13, 2022
The Snake Island episode' in which a number of Ukrainians were obliterated for defiantly refusing to surrender to the Russians did not happen. Even CNN reluctantly revealed that the "Snake Island Annihilation" unfolded very differently: they all lived.
Yes, the Russians encountered a number of Ukrainians servicemen on the island, and they promptly capitulated to the expressed demands and surrendered. The Russian forces interviewed and filmed each individual, and showed clemency by disarming and releasing them.
Hysterically, Zelensky made them National Heroes for their willingness to defiantly sacrifice their lives, rather than submit to the Russians — and now they feature on a commemorative stamp that truly commemorates a disgraceful lie.
In the "fog of war," it can be assumed that both sides will deliberately mislead, and propagandise reality to cast their efforts in the best possible light, and to demonise their adversary. It is assumed that the victim of an "unprovoked" invasion would truly have nothing to fabricate, and would simply provide the world with objective facts — why would they have to lie?
However, the supposed "invasion" has prompted the Ukrainian government to literally churn out endless emotional fictions presented as heroic wins, defiant ends, and outrageous war crimes...
Yet, with the passing of days, ALL of these narratives have come to be debunked, or revealed as crafted propaganda... very few recent "headlines" can be truly substantiated with factual evidence.
They are lying.
Why is this so? Why, indeed?
If they were truly victims of an unprovoked "invasion" ( which Putin basically pre-empted their inevitable attack on the Donbass region and the genocidal Blitzkrieg they were hoping to unleash... and the larger regional war that would result) then, surely, there would be many true tales of heroism and defiance to report.
Suspiciously, there have been very few.
One such farce was Zenensky's appearance in military uniform as he vowed to fight alongside his people ("a man of the people, a true heroic leader"). Unfortunately, it was merely a photo shoot from a year prior. The man is an actor — nothing more.
Then there was the ace fighter-pilot, "The Ghost of Kiev" who shot down numerous Russian jets that was reported on an official Ukrainian Ministry of Defence site. It was actually a CGI scene from a recognisable video game....
Indeed, the Ukrainian people are heroes.
The greatest heroism is probably represented amongst the citizens that have attempted to flee certain cities awash with neo-Nazi paramilitaries, only to be denied at gunpoint their escape (by their own people) and instructed to return to their homes and function as "human shields" to protect the military assets, forces, and heavy armoury embedded in their local towns by the CIA-trained paramilitaries.
The exact same modus operandi was exhibited by CIA-trained ISIS "terrorists" in the various Middle Eastern conflict zones against their own people. The Ukrainian paramilitaries are implementing the exact same tactics, mindset, and envisioned outcome: chaos.
The harrowing reality is: there are ideologically possessed Ukrainians (armed and trained by the West) who are willing to sacrifice fellow Ukrainians for the greater evil: the ideology of a pure and cleansed White Ukraine.
Someday, this reality should be commemorated as 'a stamp' for the Ukrainian people: so that they never forget, and never repeat.