STAND YOUR GROUND: The Great Siege of Victoria Continues
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 4, 2021
"Heavy Restrictions to remain in Victoria until 70 percent first-dose threshold reached"
Victorians have been monstrously gaslit — the light is ever dim, but many still perform repetitious moth-like-rotations as they believe it guides them forward.
The "daily cases" were never going to decrease when they are the primary tool for coercing medical experimentation.
Today's fictitious figure of a new "high" of '208 infections' was the "shock" required to psychologically prime acceptance of an indefinitely extended lockdown.
It was always going to be protracted by design: it is all a deliberate siege on the besieged.
Indeed, every aspect of the "pandemic narrative" has been meticulously strategised to achieve one overarching objective: Medical Tyranny.
On August 15th, the Andrews' Government announced that they were executing an ambitious plan to 'get a million jabs in a million arms within five weeks.'
We are in week three of that projected timeline.
Dan Andrews has stated specifically the Biosecurity Apartheid State that he has envisioned for Victorians:
"The greatest incentive is freedom ...If you're vaccinated you're going to be able to participate in the economy, you're going to be able to go to a pub, a cinema, to a sporting event, you're going to be able to do all sorts of things that an unvaccinated person is not going to be able to do ... far from being locked into your house... you will have freedoms that others don't have...THEY will be locked out of a whole range of venues because THEY could be vaccinated but they've chosen not to..." - Dan Andrews, September 3rd, 2021
When a Medical Tyrant jubilantly foreshadows his objective, and openly decrees his plans for perpetrating medical tyranny — why should we expect anything less?
Faked daily cases = faked growing outbreaks = faked lockdown justification = real broken people submitting.
The conditions for ending the current lockdown-siege of Victorians are purely determined by the Occupying Force (our State Government) and what they intend on occupying (bodies: jabs in citizens). Thus, the lockdown-siege continues as a strategised war-of-attrition is waged upon the Victorian citizenry by its own corrupt leadership.
Do not budge ... do not give them an inch of needle.