‘STATE OF FAKED EMERGENCY’ EXTENDED: A Faked “Outbreak” for Continuing a Real Tyranny.
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 9, 2021
On June the 4th, Health Minister Martin Foley extended the Labor Government’s ‘State of Emergency’ powers over the besieged and traumatised Victorian citizenry.
The undeniably faked ‘Indian double-mutant’ “outbreak” of doubtful double strains — was a duplicitous doubling-down of the double-crossing of duped Victorians! It has all been a resounding success! Along with aggressively coercing vaccination, introducing the suspicious fiction of a new “child infecting Delta variant” and the possible ‘promising idea’ of Pfizer vaccines for children (because of Delta) — the need to “justify” the extension of the SoE after three months of zero community transmissions was absolutely paramount: it makes all of this possible!
The latest Lockdown PsyOp Mission No4 has been accomplished!
The current extension allocates an additional four-week period ‘due to the ongoing serious risk to public health throughout Victoria.’ It is sure to be renewed within the month over an inevitable future “virus” contrivance. Indeed, why give up a good thing in the continued pursuit of evil?
The undeniably disproportionate and draconian powers legally permitted by the SoE order include: ‘detaining people, restricting movement and preventing entry to premises, through lockdowns, mandatory mask wearing and hotel quarantine.’ Basically, Medical Fascism: we would not have VicPol enthusiastically brutalising legitimately protesting women without it!
The SoE was initially introduced to ensure a two-week period of ‘flattening the curve,’ a “curve” that was always flat, which swiftly evolved into a resolute government focus to relentlessly flatten all aspects of vital human endeavor: economy, liberty and life itself.
We are currently in a State of Faked Emergency, and the true disease we are confronted with is the pathology of the Psychopath, and those slavish Authoritarian followers that are hopelessly infected, and re-infected when the Disease decrees.
It is important to note that all of this current devastation and idiotically iron-fisted madness almost ended when parliament voted to extent the State of Emergency powers on the 2nd of March.
The decisive vote (to allow the Andrews’ Government to extend month-by-month until December) came down to three black-hearted silver-coin-clutching Grand Betrayers of the Victorian people: the Independent MP Crossbenchers:
Fiona Patten (REASON PARTY); Samantha Ratnam (THE GREENS); and Andy Meddick (ANIMAL JUSTICE PARTY).
May the three of you lesser devils be remembered for your exclusive role in opening the Hellgate to the present, and future lockdown Hell.
May you each burn in hellfire for your love of silver.