THE "ANTI-FASCIST" LEFT: The Real Fascists
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published November 14, 2021
Given the magnitude of the World Wide Rally for Freedom crowd (and Rise Up! Melbourne) that is expected to meet at the State Library/Parliament at 12pm next Saturday — this proposed gathering of "Anti-Fascists" protesting "Far Right Anti-vaxxers" might be more than ill-advised.
The warped and utterly idiotic ideological obsession of the modern Left that conflates the buzz-words of "racism" and "anti-vaxx" with "fascism" is truly a marvel of cognitive inversion. It has no objective basis in reality and merely exists as a self-gratifying "virtue fantasy" for those hopelessly entranced by their narcissistic self-gazing into a puddle of mud.
The irony is that the only extremism observable at present is sustained by the Far Left (Dan Andrews is truly a Far Left Fascist) and, interestingly, all such ruthless mandates and totalitarian decrees represent the idealised fusion of Big Pharma and Government (as a sole corporate entity: Corporatism) —just like Benito Mussolini's vision for Fascist Italy— a fascism that he proudly recognised as being an expression of the Left (Corporatism).
It might be best for these confused "Anti-Fascists" to sit this one out; and perhaps reflect on how, truthfully, if they did meet at the State Library on the 20th — they would be the only objectively true Fascists in Melbourne City on that day.