PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published August 19, 2021
The decision to ‘close children’s playgrounds,’ had nothing to do with a threat of potential transmission amongst children. Indeed, despite the current Big Pharma focus and aggressive sales pitch — the true risk to children has always been astronomically low (basically zero), and ‘outdoor transmission’ all but non-existent for everyone (basically zero).
The supposed 100+ recent cases of “infected children” is an outlandish lie (possibly influenza, more likely pure PCR test fiction), but consistent with the despicable propaganda to create the idea that ‘children are now at risk.’
Brett Sutton’s flimsy “health advice” and feigned concern for ‘playground transmission,’ was merely informed by the sadistic and brutish desire of a pathological Premier who chose to punish Victorians for having spent a sunny weekend outside. It infuriated the Petty Tyrant to know that families were allowing their children to play on playground equipment in local parks. You see, this lockdown is a strategized siege, and those under siege must physically and psychologically suffer until they submit and collapse. The Victorian Government’s stated objective is ‘to get one million jabs in one million arms in the next five weeks.’ This is their expressed “battle plan,” and the primary reason for the execution of the current lockdown-siege: there can be no joy, no respite, and no coping measures.
It should be obvious that the lockdown-siege is to coercively "market" the vaccine.
Thus, the real decision to ‘close children’s playgrounds’ had everything to do with the need to demoralise, dehumanise and effectively amplify the personal stress of those seeking to alleviate the domestic pressure of their home confinement by simply being outside with their children.
Andrews is a hideous caricature of a human: a vile subhuman — a psychopath.