PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 2, 2021
Who exactly are you working for Premier Dan Andrews, and whose interests do you truly represent?
It is apparent that you are not working for Victorians.
You are clearly working against us.
You deliberately shutdown Parliament, cancelling democratic debate, scrutiny and criticism — only to conjure fake cases, and to ruthlessly collapse Victoria into another indefinite lockdown-siege.
That was your plan — that was THEIR plan.
You achieved the exact same play from the exact same tyrannical playbook from the previous year — and you had the psychopathic audacity to repeat it as a template for proven tyranny.
You are now using your VicPol Stasi to exaggerate charges of "incitement" to take political prisoners.
Your "health policies" are the antithesis of health, and are contrary to the collective wellbeing, wellness and welfare of the people you were entrusted to protect.
Nothing you have implemented thus far has resulted in a positive outcome; but, rather, it has simply perpetuated the illusion of a State of Emergency and protracted an all-but-non-existent "pandemic" as you further your totalitarian suffocation of Victoria.
The collective sacrifices of Victorians last year have ultimately been for naught — Victorians are in a far worse place, and we are now being sacrificed for THEIR agenda that you helped usher.
You have forsaken Victorians and sacrificed us all to you Pharma Overlords.
Many people have seen you, and many more will see. Those that do not, or refuse to — will someday carry the profound shame of their ignorance and complicity.
Who exactly are you working for Premier Dan Andrews, and whose interests do you truly represent?
We can see the strings...