THE BRAIN-WASHINGTON POST: Whitewashing Reality - Post-facts, Post-Truth, Post-Absurdity
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 22, 2022
Who would have thought that "Whiteness" was historically associated with 'freedom,' and that White Supremacy is underscored by 'a key belief in one's entitlement to freedom?'
Indeed, in saner times, who would believe that those legally protesting an illegal government mandate (Canadian Freedom Convoy, and other such global movements) to force an experimental solution into the bloodstream of everyone, might be the enemy of democracy, and not its champions? None; but, clearly, there is a global Western propaganda push to now morph the "virus-psychosis" to overlap and incorporate additional irrationalities as the PsyOp requires.
According to this inherently racist (against all races) and idiotic Washington Post opinion piece, historically, people of colour (POC) who were conquered and enslaved by Colonialist expansionism must have desired oppression; perhaps having even delighted in their own enslavement at the bloodied-hands of their enslavers due to the presence of more melanin in their skin? I mean, assumedly, according to such "academic" reasoning, it would seem that certain non-White races did not even know what the notion of 'freedom' was, having never valued it... until it was taken from them....
The current lie of associating 'freedom' with "White Supremacy" has always been a totalitarian key to control all races, compelling the cowardly Whites to condemn those more courageous, and label their own "selfish" and "extremist." If this ideological absurdity takes political root under mass psychosis, it will flourish like an entangling weed and strangle all beneath the apex leadership that seeks to enslave all: the enemy is the people, and a people divided — fall.
The very democratic and human drive to preserve freedom, and to resist Authoritarian governmental overreach, needs to be quashed, quelled and vilified, and those who protest the loudest — dehumanised and demonised.
None should be free; all should submit to a "safe" technocratic-biosecurity enslavement: for the greater good.
Fiefdom, not freedom.
The Washington Post is ironically the darkness in which democracy is dying...