THE “CURFEW CURSE”: Did Dan Andrews Accept The World Bank & IMF's COVID Aid Bribe?
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 12, 2020
Somehow, somewhere, someone… decided Victorians would need to be confined to their houses between the hours of 8pm and 5am: a binding “curfew curse” on you, and your family.
Recently, the irrational curfew on five million Victorians was rightfully questioned. Dan Andrews initially refused to reveal who was responsible for this draconian measure, remaining opposed to any reversal of the decision.
The hour is not so late, when the hour strikes eight — with nightly overhead helicopter blades heard slicing the air, humming ominously, and directing the howling sirens below — each keenly engaged in a nocturnal-hunt for their $1652 bounties. Each night, these creatures of oppression stalk and prowl, soar and survey and ultimately prey. Imprisoned in each house, every home now a cell, we are all compelled to cower, anxious, and policed into isolated obedience. A legitimate complaint that all this has trespassed ‘against human rights,’ was callously dismissed with, ‘it’s not about human rights. It’s about human life.’ Therein, lies the glaring truth in Andrew’s lie: it truly is all about the merciless suffocation of all aspects of human life. Preserving ‘human rights’ is counter to achieving this nihilistic objective.
Most are already under house-arrest most of the time, with an hour for exercise, and a one-household-one-person-once-a-day rule for any grocery expedition. The curfew, and the nightly ‘psychological terrorisation campaign,’ is merely to reinforce, and to remind us that we are all caged, and our captor is gloating over the captives.
So, who made the decision that a curfew was necessary? The Victorian Police Chief Commissioner, Shane Patton, admitted that the reality was that he ‘was never consulted,’ and the police ‘weren’t involved in discussions over it.” The Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton, declared that: ‘he was consulted,’ (grabbing Andrews from the oncoming tread of tires, and agilely tumbling the two of them from the passage of the bus), as he supported his co-conspirator, and flippantly added, “…it was a separate decision-making pathway,” that, “was not a measure he had suggested.”
So, neither the Chief Commissioner of VicPol, nor the concerns of a ‘State of Emergency’ enacted by Professor Sutton, had any direct influenced on the curfew decision. Surely, this diktat was from the Supreme Psychopath himself, but Andrews offered, 'I can't pinpoint the individual and the day, I can't give you a specific person.'
The pressure was relentless. When further challenged over the legitimacy of imposing this curfew, eventually, Andrews conceded and confessed, “that’s a decision that I’ve made,” and that the government was “free to go beyond” the advice it receives. It would seem in the midst of these dark days, it has come to light that our shadowy Premier has taken it upon himself to decree an entirely illegal and antihuman curfew. Ah, but that is only apparent, and again, only partially true.
Now, a clue as to ‘who ordered the curfew’ might have been revealed elsewhere…

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, a controversial leader, was recently “re-elected,” but is currently targeted for toppling. The same Globalists renowned for dismantling all non-compliant leaders with their signature “Colour Revolutions,” are again attempting to use a ‘civilian uprising’ to blacken the suspicion of a direct coup. Lukashenko has been depicted as an autocratic dictator, and may very well be, but he was adamant that he would not thrust the Belarusian people into the chaos of the pandemic. Downplaying the severity throughout, Belarus emerged from the “pandemic” with a total of 72,369 cases, and only 738 COVID deaths. Lukashenko refused the WHO’s instruction to enforce a lockdown, and resisted imposing any suggested ‘social distancing measures’ upon his citizens. Perhaps, that is why he must now be removed?
In a recent interview with Belarusian Telegraph Agency, Lukashenko offered an insight into 'the man behind the curfew curtain…'
‘…that the World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:
imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”
force them to wear face masks
impose very strict curfews
impose a police state
crash the economy
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko REFUSED the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer, and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank.
And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world! The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar!’
Each of these purported World Bank and IMF demands have been enforced on all Victorians. Every single one!
Did our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, accept the IMF and World Bank’s ‘Covid Relief Aid,’ to bribe Australians (especially Victorians) now deliberately unemployed and kept in an artificial welfare stasis — to remain passive, complicit and detached, while their livelihoods, economy, freedoms and prosperous future are systematically dismantled? Might this be another essential component to the overarching agenda, coordinated with other zealous opponents of humankind, all in an effort to usher in the foundations for a new Technocratic Medical Tyranny?
Dan Andrews’ eventual admission that the curfew was ‘a decision that I’ve made,” and that the government was “free to go beyond” the advice it receives,’ might be best reframed, and truthfully expressed as:
‘…a decision was made for me,’ and the government is, “not free to go beyond” the advice it receives.’
Clearly the curse cannot be broken by one so accursed — he has made the pact, acted upon it, and is willing to offer us all as a sacrifice to his Masters.
'Belarusian President Claims IMF & World Bank Offered him a BRIBE to Impose COVID Restrictions' (Martin Armstrong, Sep 7, 2020)