PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 24, 2021
SEPTEMBER 23: Currently: a complete Mainstream and Social Media livestream blackout from the CBD protests today. Early reports on SkyNews mentioned teachers and nurses would be joining the construction workers in solidarity.
No further announcement, update, or verification of the situation has been posted by any of the usual Social Media independent journalists.
Mainstream is mostly silent and offering dead end clickbait.
The apparent suppression of information is eerie, and eerily reminiscent of tactics expected from Communist China.
What exactly is going on?
The day that time forgot...
What exactly happened in Melbourne CBD on Thursday, September the 23rd?
Where did the day go?
The Guardian reported that '93 protestors had been arrested' before disabling the link with an apology for the unexpected "unavailability" of the corresponding news story.
It seems the day was literally scrubbed from the temporal timeline - a frame sequence literally removed from the sequential reel of Melbourne time.
One day after 6 earthquakes (one significant, the other aftershocks) all mainstream media and social media journalism was utterly muted.
Something sinister was definitely afoot - and fortunately it seems it was short-lived and overcome in its arrogant infancy and over-stretched overreach. Did Dan Andrews truly give the order for a complete media and informational "blackout?"
However, the Evil underpinning and guiding our Police State certainly revealed its Hand in the "telltale numeric signature" of The Beast. Coincidentally, yesterday, having achieved the atrocious world record for the 'longest locked-down city' -- the total amount of Victorian active cases just happened to be exactly 6666.
Biblical times.