THE “DELTA STRAIN” LIE REVEALS THE NEXT PHASE: The Pfizer Fuhrer Has Decreed That The Children Are Next!
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 9, 2021
A televised “doctor” voicing the Pfizer agenda to vaccinate children as a ‘promising idea’ reveals the extent to which psychopaths have infested our reality.
Absolute amoral degeneracy!
Children have zero risk of COVID, are never asymptomatic, and actually confer immunity to surrounding adults due to their rapid immune responses. The expressed desire to vaccinate with DNA destroying mRNA is beyond repugnant and unconscionable.
We are currently in occupied Victoria, under siege, and at war with a corrupt Government that is acting to advance the agenda of a fascist foreign power: Big Pharma.
It should now be apparent, beyond all reasonable doubt, that this latest Victorian lockdown is a criminal farce. Our government is complicit in perpetrating a vast Crime Against Humanity: the coercion of a medical experiment by punishing lockdown. All that we have endured has been orchestrated to market a dangerous vaccine experiment to a hesitant, and generally disinterested public. We were largely wary and slow on the uptake, so an “outbreak” was engineered to accelerate the insidious agenda of mass vaccinations.
All this should be clear. It truly could not be any more obvious, and to deny the present reality, is to recoil from what it is to be a rational and conscientious human. Sleepwalkers are walking us all into perdition.
Our Federal and State Governments are utterly compromised by the supranational Big Pharma desire for endless plunder, and they are contractually bound by the global ‘Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI)’ to fulfil their national, and state obligations to market the vaccine. It has all been about fulfilling the CEPI brokered contract (signed by Prime Minister, Scott Morrison) that demands ‘Advance Marketing Commitment:’ ensuring that there is a demand for the vaccine despite there not actually being a need, so that Big Pharma recoups and amplifies their investment.
Most World Governments are equally corrupt, impotent to defy, and must collude and comply to advance the Vaccine Empire and the overt Medical Tyranny it relentlessly envisions.
There is no Indian double-mutant variant infecting anyone in Victoria, and there is certainly neither a Kappa strain, nor a Delta strain (two separate additional mutations from the original Indian double variant) circulating in the community.
This was a useful lie.
After 500,000 PCR tests that are notoriously ineffective, calibrated at too high a cycle threshold (40-45 cycles) and unsuited to the purpose of even detecting viral particles, the supposed numbers are still ridiculously miniscule. The daily “positives” are not even enough to be classified as a “hotspot,” let alone an actual outbreak cluster. Yet, the Victorian Government continued weaving their lies to needlessly and disproportionately restrict, and lockdown Victorians.
The "testing labs" are not actually detecting “positives,” they are simply releasing small daily case numbers to control the “outbreak” narrative over a designated period of time — so that ‘The Government that Cried Virus’ does not actually lose control of the faked narrative.
The emergence of the Delta strain that apparently infected seven, three of which were children — simply did not happen. The new focus on vulnerable children, and the need to potentially vaccinate children (to maximise both profit and damage) was recently decreed by Big Pharma, and our government needed to create a “virus scare” and present a “terror scenario” that reinforced the current Global push to jab children. On the day that “Delta” was detected, the same narrative of ‘needing to protect children from new variants’ was being echoed in parliaments the world over. This is yet another revealing instance of a sinister fiction being presented to the public to ‘advance market’ a vaccine.
The Pfizer Fuhrer demanded the public be programmed to accept ‘a need to vaccinate children.’ Our government simply created the required propaganda, and installed the necessary conditions to again hijack reality for this very purpose. They are obviously promoting a fictitious “Delta strain” with "terrifying child-infecting attributes” that aligns and supports Pfizer’s new marketing project and push.
Down with the Fuhrer! Down with the New Normal Regime!
We must resist and expose these psychopaths who delight in their celebrated psychopathy: they will not touch our children!
Not now, not ever!