THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS: A Pentagram Drawn In The Sky Above Melbourne’s Second 'Freedom Day Protest'
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 13, 2020
NOTE: I personally screen-recorded the RadarBox App that revealed the flightpath of the ‘traced pentagram’ above the second Melbourne Freedom Day Protest. Unfortunately, Substack does not support video uploads.
Yesterday, Saturday the 12th of September, 2020, the exact commemorative date of the Twin Towers “terrorist” attack on New York City (American date: 9th day of the 11th month, 911, Melbourne being 14 hours ahead of NYC), a second major protest was anticipated by the Victorian Police. It appears that this may have been a brilliant ruse on behalf of the protesters, as few attended, and the ridiculous legion of militarised police swarmed around the CBD with little to do, other than present themselves as shameful phalanxes. Each disgracefully aligned against Victorian citizens, each, a true enemy of the people, upholding the lawlessness and the diktats of a rogue government. Attired in blackness, they are indistinguishable in purpose from the SS once at Heinrich Himmler’s fiendish command.
Around 12:30pm, I read a Facebook post that alerted my attention to a supposed radar that was tracking an unknown, ‘BLOCKED’ plane, that was continuously circling and surveying the region of the CBD. It can be assumed that it was a reconnaissance craft, possibly unmanned, assumedly navigated remotely, but, of such a considerable size, and flying at an altitude that required official tracking. None of this was all that unusual. The post asserted that this plane had deliberately flown a pathway that could be seen to have formed a ‘pentagram.’ Surely, this was a hoax, as such a claim was outlandish, and most would dismiss it outright.
So, curious, I downloaded the suggested app, ‘RadarBox,’ and attempted to view the alleged plane and its supposed flight path. Lo and behold! The post was true! I was aghast, and unnerved, when it was revealed without any doubt that the police reconnaissance craft was doing exactly what was claimed — it had flown, and was flying a pentagram configuration over Melbourne! Between the hours of 12:30pm and 3pm, it could be watched live by anyone who had downloaded the app. I recorded the screen on my iPhone and took numerous screenshots. RadarBox allows for all aircrafts and their pathways anywhere to be tracked and observed — if this is questionable, download it, and it will be absolutely apparent that the software is genuine, it does exactly what it purports to do (real time aerial monitoring + history tracking via radar) and is certainly not an attribute, or tool of an elaborate hoax.
So, VicPol had a craft above the suspected protest region yesterday that had traced a deliberate pentagram over the CBD, and maintained its presence for a four-hour duration.
Make of this what you will. Perhaps it is unfathomable that such imagery, ‘a satanic pentagram,’ has any bearing or true objective relevance to the reality you experience. It might be readily dismissed as mumbo-jumbo nonsensical superstitiousness. However, it is important to realise, that despite whatever opinion you may hold, there are those that regard such things as entirely real, and necessary for their activities and power.
The Age of Enlightenment, with an emphasis on reason, logic and the material world, gave way to empirical science and a myopic fixation on materialism. Spiritualism, and notions of spirituality beyond traditional Christianity, both Western and Eastern, were shunned and dismissed, while the concept of angels, demons, devils, spirits, and the supernatural were relegated to a fringe, non-scientific category. However, despite popular cultural perception and conditioning — this did not deter the obsession that the Elites, numerous Secret Societies, Mystery Schools, and all sorts of esoteric and occult groups including various covens of wiccans, warlocks and Satanists maintained. They remained covert adherents to such concepts, such arts, both dark and light, and continue to structure their very lives and aspirations according to these beliefs. They believe it, are absolutely invested in it, and relish the power, or special knowledge they believe they derive from it. Importantly, not all is inherently evil, and there is always a counterpart to the dark, with many teachings aspiring to knowledge, edification and spiritual advancement, ethics, morality and a higher perception of humanities’ propose.
Needless to say, the vast pentagram traced over Melbourne at the behest of a militarised police army is ominous, and quite the revelation. Something malevolent is at play in Melbourne, and the powers and apparatuses of tyranny are revealing their true orientation.
May it be foremost in your mind that Hitler was initiated into the hierarchy of both the Thule and Vril occult societies, selected and groomed, and was believed to be possessed mind, body and soul. The Nazi Regime was informed and influenced by the Dark Arts, Germanic Occultism-Mysticism, and such things as demons and devils and satanic rituals would have been understood, revered, practiced, and absolutely foundational to the advancement of their genocidal ideology. Heinrich Himmler used the Wewlsburg Renaissance castle as a stronghold for his elite SS cult, and for the ritualistic worshiping of Paganistic and unquestionably satanic ideals. Who knows the full extent of the horrors practiced and concealed behind those fortified walls during the Nazi era? If such superstitions are truly harmless obsessions of deviant minds, they certainly create the illusion of power, and afford the accruing of power that is ultimately indistinguishable from actual established power.
Returning to our present tyrant, and the totalitarian regime he has clamped around and stomped upon Melbourne, I would like to direct you to his press conference on Sunday, the 6th of September — Father’s Day. After six months of continuous restrictions and increasingly harsh lockdowns, Andrews secured an extension to his ‘State of Emergency’ for an additional six months. So, on the 6th, after 6 months, an additional 6 months were attained: 666. It was also the date he revealed that his 'Roadmap for Victoria out of COVID' was nothing of the sort — a deceptive strategy for endless lockdown. Now, perhaps, this is mere coincidence, and such a number pattern is simply a synchronicity devoid of anything beyond an arbitrary meaning; however, he also announced that a total of 666 Victorians had died of COVID-19 by that date. This was extraordinary!
All this is undoubtedly symbolic, deliberate, and a revelation. One should not question who Dan Andrews’ “Father” might actually be on "Father's Day" — sulphurous and serpent-tongued, much like his soul-sold son. I am of the opinion that Dark Agents are at work, advancing a dark agenda, in the throes and at the whim of even darker Puppeteers who demand dark dominion, and dark domination amongst the darkness of lies.
Our Light, and the Light of Truth, has never been more important.
It is possible that this is all nonsense, a mere coincidence, a devilish-practical joke on the overeager and overly paranoid conspiracy theorists amongst us; but I can assure you, irrespective of our own subjective interpretation and worldview, there are those who are now presiding over the human race who believe otherwise; and many despots, and depraved minds are inspired by such symbology, and do intentionally associate and promote such symbolism as their tell-tale signature. It is almost as if they have to cunningly inform us indirectly, and thus, indirectly coerce and corrupt the freewill choices of those remaining unaware. It is ultimately a spell, and many remain spellbound.
Perhaps, this is all, and has always been, a Grand Spiritual War, and what we are participants in — is truly a Biblical clash between forces of Good versus Evil.
Knowledge truly protects, and ignorance endangers.
May we all be orientated toward the Light, and consciously shun the hypnotic false-light of the blinding Darkness.
There is work to be done, remain ever vigilant, and ever diligent.