THE DISTRACTION OF GRACE TAME: Her Scowl, Her Bong, Her Cultural Marxist Messaging
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 16, 2022
No one cares about her teenage bong.
Some things can be best communicated with grace, even better with a smile; but to be perpetually bellicose serves only to welcome further conflict, and does naught to resolve, reconcile and heal.
Former 'Australian Of The Year' and sexual assault survivor, Grace Tame, has her reasons, but scowls away her prime moments...
Her prominent and publicised meeting with Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, was one such example.

Such an approach invites general ridicule, and does not engage, endear or serve to reach those that might benefit from understanding her activist campaign — it shunts them into disinterest, and forces an attitude of immediate dismissal.
Thus, for all her positive activism against sexual assault, she unfortunately embodies the embittered and mirthless face of modern Feminism; seething with entitled toxicity and fashionable hatred; infected with Cultural Marxist ideological perversions that once sought to correct perceived societal wrongs between genders, only to further divide, dismantle, diminish and warp womanhood and true femininity into a nihilistic despair; while aggressively blaming the "Patriarchy" for the various litany of injustices and imbalances between the sexes (correcting none, but generating many more) — it actively created the very broken "men" they abhor, by damaging the traditional family unit, fragmenting the morals and mindsets of generations of woman (and men, especially boys), AND eroding and vilifying all aspects of positive masculinity to foster a perpetual cultural cycle of damage-begetting-damage...
Ironically, the problematic Evils behind the "Patriarchy" (affecting all humans) are the EXACT same Evils that gave rise to the divisive movement of the various academic waves of "theorised Feminism" — in its current ideological prison of Cultural Marxism, it is yet another dynamo of cultural destruction: a weapon fired at one gender that has backfired and blown the hand off of the other.
Nothing to smile about, indeed.
POSTSCRIPT May 22, 2022: when Anthony Albanese was dubiously elected Prime Minister, Grace Tame had a second photo opportunity to scowl and offer a frosty reception (ostenisibly against the status-quo of White Patriarchy), but, contrarywise, Alabanese is compatible with her Cultural Marxist programing and aligned with the modern Marxist-inspired Left — and that elicited a smile. Hypocrite.