THE EXTENSION TENSION: Why Victoria's “Snap 7-Day-Lockdown” Was Always Going to be Extended
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 2, 2021
So, will Victoria’s current 7-day-lockdown be extended?
The ever prescient media have been announcing the inevitability of an extension, much like they bizarrely knew about the non-existent ‘individual on a ventilator;’ and where ‘to watch daily case numbers’ when there was no certainty there would even be ‘daily case numbers’ to watch. It is like they have an uncanny foreknowledge, almost as if the government and media are essentially a single synergised entity of co-operative propaganda output — each justifying and substantiating the other: each the enemy of the people.
The lockdown will be extended; it was always intended to be.
However, without Jobkeeper and Jobseeker handouts to the cowardly layabouts as a bribe incentive — there is no means of financially placating the Henny Pennys that previously clucked so vehemently about the sky falling as they demanded to be cooped-up. Indeed, blissfully farting vapours of Uber Eats into couch fibres while mindlessly playing video-games and binge-watching Netflix is less comfortable when there is no free money for free food. Without the compensatory cash flow, a longer and indeterminate lockdown is problematic, and could just inspire a very real civilian uprising.
I predict that the current lockdown will end on Monday the 7th of June.
The Victorian Government has deliberately orchestrated every element of this “outbreak” as a crucial marketing drive for the experimental vaccine — it is undeniably part of their proposed 25 million budgeting for “interactive” advertising that directly targets vaccine hesitancy. Given this, they were aware of the timing of the “outbreak” (having chosen the time) and have pre-planned every meticulous detail. They are also aware of the date in which the lockdown is scheduled to end — nothing has been random, and everything is predetermined.
Unbeknownst to most, last December, Victorian Police commenced a recruitment campaign to hire 3000 police cadets. These recruits would all be fully-badged and ready to serve within 6 months — the last week of May: now!
Suspiciously, these 3000 new police officers (a battalion) were each trained, and available at precisely the time that a new ‘Police Mask Blitz on public transport’ was scheduled to commence: May 24th–June 7th. The ‘Mask Blitz’ was incongruous, as there had been three months of zero cases, and surely there was no need to be enforcing masks and still issuing the illegal $200 fines.
And then there was!
Like most PsyOps, the necessary “response” personnel are always briefed and strategically positioned in anticipation of a drill (Police Mask Blitz), and then, “unexpectedly” they just all happen to be in the right place at the unfortunate time to carry out their required duties. These police officers would have all been zoned, allocated a team and a suburb, and specifically trained for enforcing “pandemic mandates.”
The “outbreak” did not coincidentally occur on the exact date as the Police Mask Blitz with 3000 newly-badged reinforcements ready for duty. They were all required to be trained and positioned with a plausible “Mask Blitz” purpose for the “outbreak” to successfully occur.
Given that the Police Mask Blitz was scheduled for a two week period between Monday the 24th of May and Monday June the 7th: it is likely that the lockdown will also end, Monday June the 7th.
There may still be government posturing and bluffing and further faked hysteria, and the lockdown end-date may seem uncertain, and maybe even initially promoted as being longer; but there was no actual requirement for the Police Mask Blitz and 3000 recruits at this time, and one can reasonably surmise that their very purpose was to do exactly what they are currently doing: enforce Victoria’s fourth criminal lockdown.
You know the “drill:” the perpetrators always ensure that they have the necessary personal in position before every PsyOp “terrorist” attack.
And this is undoubtedly a Government terrorist campaign.