PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published August 13, 2020
What is motivating the Andrews Government's 'Pandemic Strategy?’ Why the indefinite lockdown in Victoria and Stage 4 Restrictions ?
Indeed, what is governing the hysterical antiscientific decisions of our Government?
Victoria’s ‘Pandemic Response’ has been compromised from the outset.
Lockdowns do not impede viral spread; they impede 'herd immunity' and extend the longevity of a virus beyond its natural cycle. This extension is artificial, deliberate, and directed toward an end: mandatory vaccination.
All this is about the future vaccine. It also concerns installing an Authoritarian Dystopia: a pathological “COVID-Normal” that will necessitate the conditions for ensuring a mandatory vaccine is unquestionable. To rational people, this is beyond abhorrent, but to those still sleeping it has not yet been dreamt in their current dream.
Take this recent televised statement by Victorian Premier, Dan Andrews:
"It is a long way off, and unless and until that vaccine is developed and then administered to every single Victorian, we’ll have to live with, and embrace a COVID Normal.” (August 5, 2020)
Why might this be necessary for a virus that 99.98% of people survive, and 99% of those who do have it, only experience mild symptoms? Obviously this is illogical, unscientific, and a brazen revelation of an overriding Vaccine Agenda. This is the motivating force for the absurd “containment measures” that have escalated to our Stage 4 Lockdown, ‘State of Disaster’: a crippling trinity of economic, social and governmental terrorisation.
Every incremental policy has prolonged the pandemic narrative, suspiciously billowing new life as it sputtered (0 cases in Melbourne on the date of Black Lives Matter March), and choosing self-sabotaging countermeasures that were almost predestined to fail (‘The Hotel Quarantine’ debacle). All these cunningly “incompetent” efforts can be plausibly denied, but what is undeniable is that they have all contributed to propelling Victoria’s “pandemic” ever forward into an unnecessary timeline. We should not be here today. We should not be entertaining this flimsy fiction and interpreting it as a concrete reality. It is truly nothing more than a farce. It is foreseen and intended that the browbeaten, crestfallen and downtrodden will submit and consent to anything after months-upon-months of lies, and psychological torture. We are unquestionably being broken to ensure compliance. The virus is a concern, but certainly not an existential threat requiring the cowering and barricading of an entire society. Yet, we are being dragged ever forward to a point in time in which the “Great Vaccine Miracle” will be bestowed upon those grovelling for a return to some semblance of their former lives. The vaccine will bless them all indiscriminately, and Andrews is currently marching us up the ever steep mount to deliver Victoria upon this sacrificial alter.
If hundreds of millions are currently being invested in developing this rushed "vaccine," the Vengeful Pharmaceutical Gods obviously desire to recoup their investment at a tenfold minimum, and possibly ad infinitum. Indeed, it is likely that this "vaccine" will need to be administered annually every flu season, as all coronaviruses are constantly mutating, and COVID-19 has purportedly already mutated 30-40 times — making an actual single administered vaccine impossible. Will we require, as Bill Gates suggests: a constantly updated ‘digital certificate to be out amongst crowds?’ Will this be necessary to simply be a participant in the ‘old normal,’ to shop, congregate, work, socialise, travel and generally partake in society? Andrews is undeniably parroting Bill Gates' vision for an anti-human Vaccine Utopia. And those who opt out, will they be proverbially ‘stomped out’ by the authoritarian mindset that has been so diabolically programmed and celebrated throughout this tragic saga? Blame, shame, and… re-train. Are we really, ‘Staying Apart to Keep Us Together,’ or rather, to divide what might have been a unified ‘Us’?
It might be argued that a vaccine is necessary; but keep in mind that the earliest vaccine ever safely developed for wide circulation, took four years (on average 10-15 years!) and despite this frantic developmental pursuit (analogous to the global resources, minds and hours invested in the Space Race, or the Atomic bomb), a lucrative contact awaits the victor, and the victor, legally exempt from potentially disastrous repercussions, is now scrambling to be victorious amongst the competition: but at what ultimate cost? And the victor most definitely has Victoria, and Victorians factored in as guinea pigs confined and waiting in cages.
One is neither a “Conspiracy Theorist,” nor an “Anti-Vaxxer,” for thinking and regarding that all this deliberate deprivation of normal life, livelihood and liberty has been underscored by an insidious objective: mandatory vaccination for a virus that is waning, and poses no real threat to the vast majority. A rushed vaccine with an indemnity clause — is CAUSE for absolute concern!
The tentacles of this Pharmaceutical-Vaccine monstrosity are tightly coiled. They have bound our Premier and demanded his absolutely complicity, informing and puppeteering his irrational strategies to advance THEIR Vaccine Agenda. We must have a COVID-19 vaccine! We must have a COVID Normal World! As a consequence, dutiful Andrews has imploded the once beating-heart of Victoria, and made hapless puppets of us all.
Will the world’s once ‘Most Liveable City,’ now the ‘World’s Most Governable City’ continue to also be the world’s most gullible?