THE GREATER SYDNEY "OUTBREAK:" Another Obvious Push by the Vaccine Pushers
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published May 6, 2021
It was inevitable that the Mother's Day weekend would be sabotaged by The New Normal saboteurs — they simply could not permit the enduring sense of a return to normal. Indeed, the Vaccine Pushers have conveniently fabricated yet another "outbreak" to maximise paranoia, reintroduce restrictions, and potentially impose a snap-lockdown (or threaten to do so) as they strategically reinforce the perception of how fragile a largely unvaccinated population is against a supposedly "deadly pandemic."
It is all a continuation of their vaccine marketing campaign.
Special family moments such as Mother's Day and significant calendar dates (Christmas (NSW), New Year's Eve (VIC), Easter (QLD), Valentine's Day (VIC), Anzac Day (WA)) are predictably chosen to be interrupted with a reality "snap” — and they will continue to thieve these human moments, as long as the non-existent virus ravages the collective imagination and continues to infect the wilfully ignorant at the whim of the government.
It was either going to be Victoria or New South Wales, or both, and it seems they have selected the Greater Sydney region to stir a dust eddy of nonsense into another whirlwind of chaotic propaganda.
See it for what it is! Push back against the Pushers! Flip the game board and cease to play along — and their game ends.