PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 23, 2020
Victorians have been utterly swindled.
The ‘Hotel Quarantine Debacle’ is pure hogwash. It is not a ‘debacle,’ but rather a calculated con — literally, done to death. The responsible swine are still haughtily rolling in their muddied stys, smeared thick with muck and lies and defiantly swilling their fine slop. Only occasionally are they given to a nervous snort above the trough. There may be a virus, but there has been no devastating pandemic in Victoria. A deliberate campaign of government and media duplicity, irrational mandates, lockdown oppression and tyrannical diktats, has wrought all true devastation: psychological, emotional, physical and financial.
There has been no ‘second wave.’ None are truly dying from a ‘wicked deadly disease.’ The “pandemic” effectively ended in June. Australia had bluffed just long enough to make the exaggerated ‘Wuhan Flu’ meaningful to all. Victoria had zero cases on June the 6th, when 10,000 misguided Black Lives Matter pilgrims embarked on their masked-Marxist crusade; and Prime Minister Scott Morrison had just traded 333 million of looted taxpayer’s money to guarantee that all Australians would be punctured by AstraZeneca’s forthcoming syringe.
A deal is a deal, and a big deal is an even bigger deal, and a Devil’s Bargain is inextricably binding.
Morrison had treasonously brokered our souls, and every Australian comprised the sacrificial offering; but reality unexpectedly jarred with intent, as the “pandemic” cases rapidly declined, and an ordinary respiratory virus that was gleefully envisioned as the harbinger of Vaxxtopia — was now disappointingly verging on irrelevancy. Suddenly, Australia had all but overcome the overhyped COVID-19 paranoia. Many prematurely emerged from their fortified-toilet paper stupor, incredulously blinking with LCD-screen-bleared eyes: it had been a figment of our collective imagination, after all.
However, there would be no reneging on a sulfuric handshake. The AstraZeneca contract was still foremost, and the Shadowy Puppeteers tugged ruthlessly on their governing marionettes to extend their jerky performance. The insidious ‘Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations’ (CEPI) pact, compelled the Morrison Federal Government to observe an ‘Advanced Marketing Commitment,’ (as outlined by Bill Gate’s CEPI, which had ensnared Australia in a monolithic global vaccination empire) requiring an absolute commitment to marketing and preparing the populace to graciously submit to the fast-tracked vaccine. Someone needed to beat the ‘no virus’ conundrum, and Premier Dan Andrews willingly snatched the accursed drumsticks and enthusiastically drummed up a storm.
Should the “pandemic” dwindle, there was obviously a contingency plan. One state would need to be scapegoated on behalf of all Australia to convincingly propel the “pandemic” artificially into the future — only to be predatorily snatched in the eager talons of AstraZeneca; and one state had already been intentionally compromised. One state had the required Progressive-Left government, and a suitably indoctrinated Marxist-Socialist infection rate amongst the population that would be ideal for introducing totalitarianism by way of pseudo-compassion. Victoria was the obvious choice: the Virtue-signaling State, once named the ‘Garden State,’ until the Leftist Lotus Eaters ate all the flowers only to speak evermore with perfumed syllables.
The pre-emptively sabotaged ‘Hotel Quarantine’ would be exploited to expose a vulnerable “outbreak” location for the emergence of a ‘second wave.’ It was diabolically perfect. Obviously, the great herd of Cultural-Marxist automatons could not be blamed and criticized for selfishly descending upon Melbourne during a pandemic. They were the dutiful foot soldiers of the Globalist “New Normal” project, and they were needed to fill jackboots for future marches. They were unable to see the obvious, as they protested Black Lives Matter, while callously jeopardizing Victorians COVID efforts, and utterly disregarding the fact that Grandma’s life might matter, too. All this is absolutely true if one plays by the official COVID rulebook, but, ironically, those that observe and can recite it line by line, were strangely illiterate and incoherent that day. It was beyond them, and beyond their current BLM Cult-program: then the Cult-programmers doubled-down on the previous Pandemic Program.
A ‘deadly’ pandemic is only a terrifying pandemic when there is no compelling need to gather and protest ‘racists,’ and denounce ‘systemic racism’ and ‘police brutality.’ However, the pandemic was fine to resume immediately afterwards. The virus was obviously attuned to the protestors, and entirely sympathetic to their cause: zero cases that day! It is ultimately a Leftist/Globalist virus, with compatible Socialist ambitions for decimating Capitalist pursuits, lifestyles and ambitions.
The elderly were suddenly the ‘most vulnerable’ once again. These Social Justice Warriors had been reassigned the previous virtue-signal: the mindless mantra (surely a penance for their earlier misguided BLM March) of ‘Stay home, Save lives‘ to preserve ‘grandma’s life.’ No one wanted to act in any way that might kill grandma now! The much-maligned police suddenly seemed to glow golden, as they were applauded for brutalizing women and jackal-circling the elderly as they targeted all whites refusing to self-flagellate and submit (who were obviously ‘privileged’ in their ‘supremacy’ by virtue of their pigmentation, and deserving of a Tyrant’s lash).
Morrison reassured Premier Andrews that although it may initially seem like ‘a massive bungle,’ and that COVID deaths would need to be falsified to reflect the error of having “virtuously” chosen private security over Australian Defence Force Personnel (ADF) — the plan was basically foolproof, and most Melbournian fools would not require further proof. Dan was the man, Victoria was the plan. Sure, his public standing may deteriorate (the hashtag ‘IStandWithDan’ would help somewhat), however, the “Hotel Quarantine Debacle” was absolutely necessary, and a ‘second wave’ needed to be both believable and seemingly unexpected.
In his eagerness, and with absolute foreknowledge, Dan foolishly announced the expected ‘second wave’ in many a preceding press conference.
And then it was upon us!
The Federal Government had accepted the IMF and World Bank’s ‘COVID Aid Package,’ all but ensuring the future collapse of the economy propped-up recklessly in the present; and the ‘bribe money’ would surely appease Victoria’s numerous Socialist-layabouts. Everyone loves a good bribe! Oh, but there was one overriding precondition: to appease the International Bankers and secure the capital, ‘all would need to be mandatorily masked’ as a token that they had capitulated, and would remain submissive and active participants in promoting the existence of a non-existent pandemic. The masks make the pandemic real for everyone. Andrews nodded with giddy sadomasochistic delight — he knew that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would be thrilled with such antihuman developments.
The clincher, now that it had been established that Black Lives Matter so much more than other lives, would be that the private security company, Unified Security, was entirely ‘Indigenously owned.’ This was ingenious. Surely, Dan could appreciate that although he would be held accountable, the ‘race card’ and fulfilling ‘diversity quotients’, and using a company owned and operated by Indigenous Australians that proudly offered employment to ‘victims of domestic abuse, refugees from war-torn countries and young Indigenous Australians that might be prejudiced against in the industry,’ would be an incontestable defence. The Virtue Signallers would not only forgive Andrews, they would absolve him of all negligence, and appreciate his dedication to ‘inclusivity and diversity’ by allocating critical work to blacks and other minorities. Furthermore, with the right messaging and media promotion, Victorians would not even blame Dan, but would turn on each other.
It would not matter that the Australian Defense Force Personnel (ADF) were perfect for the role — given the gravity of the propagandized pandemic situation. None would question that the ADF were offered and accepted by all the other Australian states, and that they were basically prepaid with Federal salaries and truly free. It would not matter that Unified Security would be awarded the lucrative thirty-million-dollar contract without a legally required ‘tender process,’ and that they were not even a Victorian private security company: ‘Indigenous Australian owned’ would eclipse and silence all criticism, and only further endear Andrews to The Leftist Lotus Eaters. It probably would not matter that Unified Security would literally syphon a majority of the money and simply subcontract the work to local Victorian private security companies, who would unscrupulously pay substandard security officers a substandard hourly rate. It all had to be seen to have unexpectedly “fallen apart,” despite the Premier’s best intentions. None of this would matter: as Black Lives Matter most.
It is said that: ‘the Left eat their own.’ Dan Andrews gorged off the carcass of Unified Security’s “scandalous” operation to sustain his tyrannical maneuvering. It was soon revealed that the ‘Hotel Quarantine Debacle’ resulted in the ‘second wave.’ Supposedly, 90-99% of the 800+ deaths in Aged Care Centers occurred due to the astounding incompetence of a private security company owned entirely by Indigenous Australians: a dastardly scapegoated scapegoat. Unified Security is primarily responsible for 800 deaths, the evisceration of Victoria’s economy, mandatory masks, a Police State and the overt enslavement of the population.
Or so Andrews would have you believe.
Yet, in the United States, the BLM movement quickly unraveled and revealed itself for the engineered Cultural-Marxist event it truly was. It soon became apparent that the protestors were shielding themselves behind an “anti-racist” movement to facilitate social and political upheaval. It was fiendishly coordinated to directly undermine and assault Donald Trump’s re-election prospects. BLM was yet another Globalist/Progressive Left weapon of “transformative” chaos, much like COVID-19 was intended to crash the US economy. All “peaceful protests,” soon degenerated into riotous looting and vandalism and irrational violence as America witnessed the wrath of useful idiots unleashed, funded, and enabled by the Democrats.
It became increasingly problematic to support and condone the current direction of the BLM Movement. If it was ever noble, it was now utterly co-opted and evidently dangerous. The perception of the majority could not be suppressed and manipulated indefinitely by claims of virtuous motivations of atonement. The agenda was exposed, and it soon ceased to be relevant for Australians. There was a more pressing issue, especially with the emergence of a ‘second wave.’ It was no longer an issue about speaking out against racism; the primary concern was for all lives currently being trampled by government malfeasance and tyranny.
Not all Victorians had partaken of the lotus petals; some were now spitting them out; and the flimsy narrative of negligent ‘hotel security’ had not convincingly duped and hypnotized the majority. They cared not for the dubious interstate Indigenous security company operators (as if that was ever an excuse, or a shield), or the supposedly promiscuous and inept security officers. Their intense focus was on determining the culpability of those entrusted to protect Victorians during a pandemic crisis. A decision was made on our behalf.
It was time to isolate the decision maker.
Premier Dan Andrews was absolutely foremost in the crosshairs, all others merely secondary accomplices. He is our unashamed autocratic leader. In this context, despite Andrew’s wishful thinking — the Black Lives Matter propaganda mattered naught, and would not provide the desired failsafe safeguard. He was exposed and potentially vulnerable by this miscalculation.
Grave questions required crucial answers, so Andrews resorted to staging a ‘Hotel Quarantine Inquiry’ to examine “accountability” with the intent to excuse and whitewash all apparent responsibility. He was paying for it with taxpayer’s dollars, so those assembled for the ‘COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry’ knew exactly why they were getting paid. The Honourable Jennifer Coate, would certainly hang her coat on injustice and dishonour.
Justice Coate and her team of charlatans supposedly examined 200,000 documents, conducted interviews, and cross-examined evidence at an expense of 5.7 million (blown out from the original 2.7 million) to ultimately determine that all suspected individuals, from the Chief Health Officer, the Premier and the Health Minister were not to blame — because under oath, they all admitted that they ‘could not remember’ who made the crucial ‘security officer’ decision. They were not concealing their contempt for truth and the Victorian people.
It was an outrageous farce from the outset; clearly a costly fiction; and yet a true answer was truly free. A simple slash with Occam’s Razor would have yielded the necessary revelation: just like their Communist party slogan for their “New Normal,” (‘We are all in this together,’) they all truly were, but none truer in his lie and denial than the Supreme Misleader himself: Dan Andrews. It was obviously a collective Labor Party decision, decided at the helm with immediate cabinet members; endorsed and co-conspired on at a Liberal Federal level, and deemed necessary for all that has since unfolded to fulfil the AstraZeneca Vaccination Pact for Australia.
Again, there has been no ‘second wave,’ the PCR tests facilitated the deception with 89-93% false positives generating daily “cases” to artificially prolong and justify the lockdown. The Aged Care Facility “COVID deaths” were a convenient means of inflating the COVID Death Toll, exploiting the systemic neglect, and desecrating the lives of those who were naturally fated to die in poor health, advanced years, isolated and broken-hearted.
However, the general public has been misled to believe otherwise.
Monstrous things have been done to project and promote monstrous lies, but by all public reckoning: a ‘second wave’ of the deadly coronavirus escaped Hotel Quarantine and entered many nursing homes killing 800+ elderly. Someone made the decision that allowed this to happen. That is the Official Pandemic Lie that we have been sold, and many have bought it at great expense. Dan Andrews’ decision to choose a private security company to oversee the Hotel Quarantine to fulfil a ‘diversity quotient,’ had been both muted, and purposely denied — yet it was undeniably his decision as elected leader of Victoria. The others were obviously apprised and supported his decision.
Something absolutely terrified Andrews and his coronavirus cohorts into forgetting. Perhaps their uncanny amnesia had everything to do with the impending Workplace Manslaughter investigation concerning those responsible for the ‘Hotel Quarantine Debacle.’
Ironically, the Andrews’ Government arrogantly rushed their new Manslaughter Legislation through Parliament in November, and foolishly neglected an ‘exemption clause’ that would have absolved government officials from being prosecuted. If certain actions can be calculated to have resulted in avoidable death, the guilty party may incur a 16 million dollar fine and 25 years imprisonment (for each life lost). Before the ‘Hotel Quarantine Debacle,’ this new Manslaughter Law was being touted as a warning to businesses that would now be prosecuted for workplace COVID deaths.
Therein, lies the great surprise for the liars.