THE MELBOURNE GRAND PRIX CANCELLATION: Foreshadowing More of the Prick's Grand Plan?
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 7, 2021
The cancellation of Melbourne's Formula One Grand Prix slated for November — (the second consecutive "pandemic" cancellation) might be less of a precautionary decision, and more of a strategic foreshadowing of the next lockdown timeframe.
Victoria was previously scapegoated as Australia's token "lockdown state" to make COVID a "really-real-reality" for the greater Australian Nation. It was all part of the Federal Government's contractual vaccine allegiance to Big Pharma's 'Advance Marketing Commitment;' and Scott Morrison (in complete collusion with Andrews) has indicated that the last quarter of the year (October, November, December) all states will have sufficient Pfizer and Moderna stockpiles for EVERY Australian... and targets will be met...
What better way to market a newly available surplus than by resorting to the tried and proven faked "outbreak” scenario, followed by another hysterical lockdown period? Truly, there is no better way to coercively market an otherwise unnecessary product. It has been a successful model thus far.
Perhaps Andrews is making the right decision. Indeed, why go to the trouble to set it all up — if you intend on pulling it all down at the same time?
Time will tell, but much can also be told by paying attention to irrational decisions based on future projections guided by insidious agendas...
POSTSCRIPT: Indeed, the second extensive Victorian lockdown was to commence on August 2, and continued for many consecutive months.