THE OMINOUS COVID19 OMNIBUS BILL: Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee (SARC) 'Review of COVID19 OMNIBUS BILL'
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 6, 2020
Note: The final Omnibus Bill was completely guttered, and rendered impotent by public scrutiny and backlash, and Andrews was forced to remove the more tyrannical aspects that he had hoped to pass.
It was announced that SARC would be taking submissions from the public on their views about the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2020 (Vic). What follows is the letter I submitted. ______________________________
To the members of SARC,
No government overseeing the welfare of a free society should have at their disposal any part of ‘COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2020 (Vic).’
This proposed Bill is inherently antihuman. Using the pandemic theatre as a plausible excuse, its inception has very little to do with controlling and containing COVID-19. It has been envisioned as a means of controlling and containing all opposition to government overreach.
It is a Bill against the people and their expression and pursuit of individual freedom.
Many nightmarish scenarios can be reasonably envisioned should the COVID-19 Omnibus Bill be passed:
Not submitting to “hive thinking” and allowing oneself to be utterly programmed by ‘official propaganda,’ could be deemed a “health threat.” It might be forbidden to express anything contrary to the established government narrative on ‘health and health risks’. The simple act of writing and posting such information (including this actual letter) on Facebook could result in being flagged as a ‘health risk,’ and the ideas expressed on my page deemed ‘a threat to public health.’ It is conceivable that henchmen could be tasked with monitoring and neutralising the promotion of my opinion, and those holding similar oppositional views. Such “health threats” could be forcefully detained for an indefinite period by a ‘private army’ acting to preserve the diktats of the Andrews’ Government.
To refuse a government-mandated vaccine could result in imprisonment and forced-vaccination, as a refusal to consent could be considered ‘threatening the health of others.’
Anyone “disagreeing” or “disagreeable” in relation to government policies could be a potential target and “vanished” for ‘public safety, and/or re-education, and quarantine purposes.’ The potential for heinous and rampant abuse is apparent and foreseeable. Enlisting untrained and unqualified individuals to be enforcers of public health, who are given licence to prejudge, arrest and detain a perceived public “threat,” is surely amongst the playbook of tyrants. ‘Authorised officers’ appointed in such a manner, and granted the power to impose indefinite detention foreshadows a potential ‘Stasi Network’ of civilian terrorisation. Fearful, resentful and ignorant individuals will be enticed to be informants, and this Bill is the gateway for all manner of potential atrocities and abhorrent activities to be unleashed.
Ultimately, the sole purpose of this Bill is to target healthy individuals who oppose unhealthy government.
If this Bill is passed, democratic liberties and the quality of life will be severely impacted and free rein will be given to enable the familiar tactics of dictators. The shadowy actors that have advanced the disproportionate policy of lockdowns and cruel restrictions will have an additional means to perfect and pursue their brand of totalitarianism. Victoria will have her soul absolutely crushed.
The fundamental issues are as follows:
The pre-emptive detention proposed by the Bill beaches sections 21, 12 & 8 of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) which protects individuals from being subjected to arbitrary detention, and the right to enjoy freedom of movement and human rights without discrimination
High-risk individuals’ could be arbitrarily detained in breach of section 21 of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.
Proposed amendments would allow for untrained individuals to be appointed as Authorised Officers
Under the Bill, the authorised officer is responsible for reviewing their own decision to detain individuals meaning the person making the decision is also responsible for reviewing their own decision. There is also no provision for a review of the detention, which means a person may need to apply to the Supreme Court to grant an order for release.
Please act to dissolve the COVID-19 Omnibus Bill in its entirety and banish such malignant thinking to the hellish realms from which it was conjured.
In the hope that human decency, liberty and better judgment prevail.
- Stephen