THE SUBSCRIPTION SYSTEM: Why Workplace Mandates Will Not Be Lifted in Victoria
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 17, 2022
Victorians who have thus far refused to comply with the mandates will remain outside of the Subscription System and officially unemployed.
"Only Subscribers are thrivers."
The Subscription System demands that all who have subscribed, must continue to submit to further subscription offers (additional experimental applications) when they become available (every three months, or so.)
A failure to do so, will necessitate the current subscription being revoked, and the individual will no longer be a viable participant within the integrated Subscription System: they will be forced into unemployment and welfare dependence, and socially ostracised.
Only Subscribers are given the opportunity to legally work and truly partake in society. Those who have refused, or remain hesitant to join and become Subscribers, will be denied all allocated benefits that subscription entails.
The Subscription System must be preserved by the Controllers for their own tyrannical preservation: they are finished once it is finished.
Having achieved mass subscription — they will not willingly relinquish such a vast control mechanism. Non-subscribers must eventually submit, or remain excluded. To allow non-subscribers to partake, or to resume their previous employment without succumbing to a "sacrifice for benefits model" — would undermine the effectiveness and the coercive potential of the current Subscription System.
Thus, the Subscription System is essentially an ingenious and insidious marketing trap that ensures direct marketing and uptake of each new iteration of the same product: a captured and guaranteed market.
Only mass non-compliance and a rejection of the Subscription System will end the endless mandate requirement imposed upon Victorians.
It is time for all to break from the system.
It is time to restore our humanity.