PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published August 13, 2021
There is an observable pattern to the new NSW "daily cases" that all should observe, and question, and ultimately reject.
We are all being had.
So, one would assume that going by the predictable and repetitious "new daily case count" in NSW — today, we should expect another fraudulent total somewhere between 320-350.
It seems almost inevitable. Why is this so? The answer is simply — they are simply making up the "infected" numbers to ensure a protracted and demoralising lockdown (the same "pattern case model" was previously used to lockdown Victoria for 111 days — they perfected the deception in the completely staged Victorian "Fear Theatre" of 2020.)
The NSW "daily case numbers" defy true random infection dispersion, and follow a logical and implausible pattern. Nature and viruses simply do not propagate and infect in a logical and mechanical fashion.
Again, real daily infection rates would fluctuate, often vastly, from day to day, with any particular day (if they were accurately testing) yielding unpredictable and exponentially higher cases: i.e.: 250, 850, 1500, 2000 etc...
It is scientifically impossible that the daily "testing" would churn out actual cases that could be anticipated and predicted each, and every day, according to the chosen case number trajectory (which is currently in the 300s for NSW). If you recall, they kept repeating when the daily trajectory was in the 100s that, "things are going to get worse before they get better” — they knew this, because they were arrogantly revealing the plan.
All this has become incredibly tedious — I have often expressed this many times in a multitude of ways, but if you look at the daily PCR tests conducted ( and actually take note of the supposed "positive daily cases," the fraud is glaringly apparent. Irrespective of the criminal 40-45 cycle threshold (confirmed by NSW Health) that all but guarantees a 89-94% false positive result; and the fact that influenza and COVID have seemingly been conflated and cannot be correctly differentiated upon testing (confirmed by the CDC) — the simple fact that the daily cases are so predictable, should alert everyone to the artificiality of the current "outbreak."
Nature and viruses do not work this way.
However, conspiring government authorities pushing a virus narrative while pressing for the infrastructure of a Biosecurity State certainly do.