PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 4, 2022
There is no Morrison versus Andrews.
The cognitive bias exhibited by those that loath Scott Morrison, yet love Dan Andrews, is truly astonishing — just a scintilla of discernment would reveal that neither is truly representative of whatever imagined political persuasion one supports (Left, or Right, or somewhere supposedly in between), but each has deliberately played their unique role by bluffing their supporters, while systematically trampling Human Rights and medically swindling Australians.
Morrison and Andrews are allied at their shared root of Evil, and although they may appear as political antagonists — they are perfectly sly collaborators in the New Normal nightmare they are co-installing.
Each has colluded to keep most Australians largely deluded along chosen Party lines, and reflexively blaming the other for imagined pandemic woes and incompetencies, while cunningly exploiting the general friction to advance their core agenda.
There is no truly distinct Liberal or Labor, no real independent Morrison or Andrews’ leadership — only the one puppeteering Evil that manipulates the strings to ensure that both inevitably install and implement what is required.
Morrison was never going to intervene and "save" Victorians from the tyranny of Andrews' criminal mandates and oppression — if anything, Andrews did what he did, indeed, as most State premiers are doing as they are doing, because they have been entrusted and given Federal blessing to aggressively market the product.
Either "choice" — the People be damned!