PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 17, 2021
The Victorian lockdown is about to end — it should never have happened to begin with.
The lockdown has achieved naught but the success of double-puncturing deltoids, and slyly seeding future sickness amongst an otherwise healthy population.
None should be grateful for the return of conditional "freedoms" that were never justifiably taken, and were not the government's to illegally restrict and thieve — we should be outraged!
None should cheer their participation in a "marketing campaign" that was overseen by a 4 Star Military General who literally waged psychological war to demoralise and break a population under de facto Martial Law and lockdown-siege; imposing a cruel curfew and ushering in the norm of draconian Police State brutality (and you thought you "chose" your vaccine) — we should be outraged!
None should commend the endless media-government symbiotic coercion of an undesirable "medical experiment" for an easily treatable, mild, and largely-fictitious viral concern — we should be outraged!
None should praise the Chief Health Officer's utterly ruinous "health" directions that served only to diminish our physical and mental health with unscientific agenda-driven idiocy — we should be outraged!
The virus was gone long before we even locked-down (if it was ever here) — and now the "solution" is the only true contagion that spreads rapidly amongst the sickened populace. This is true in all nations that share the folly of high target rates.
And those who remained vigilant, those who staunchly resisted throughout, those who saw through the incessant lies and detestable propaganda — they have now lost their jobs because the others were only to happy to play stupid games, and to win stupid prizes...
We are sorry we could not play along — however, the game is far from over, and we can assure you that you will not be happy with your prize: the gift that keeps on giving...
...and giving to the pharmaceutical coffers — your sacrificial body offered by your forever compliance.
You should be outraged, and we hope someday you will align with our informed and compassionate outrage, and finally appreciate why we were outraged from the very beginning — we saw exactly how this would progress...
Victoria is not merely exiting a lockdown, but, rather, it is entering a period of "locking-out" all justifiably hesitant dissenters — we should be outraged, all of us!