VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN 6.0: A TIMELINE: From Sneaky “Snap 7-Day Circuit-Breaker” to Breaking the Spirit of Victorians
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 6, 2021
Timeline Dates: August 5th to September 6th
AUGUST, Thursday 5th: LOCKDOWN 6.0 BEGINS: There had been zero cases on the Wednesday, but by mid-afternoon on Thursday the 5th of August the media was already amplifying the collective anxiety amongst weary Victorians. There had been 7 new daily cases! This was our first week out of a two-week lockdown, and everyone was looking forward to progressing with their lives. However, “leaked” reports suggested an impending “3-day snap lockdown, a precautionary circuit-breaker” that would be necessary to contain the “spread.” Within hours, and without direct government confirmation, the murmurs of a ‘3-day snap’ had evolved into numerous media outlets all speculating on the need to impose a potential ‘7-day lockdown.’
The Andrews’ Government confirmed the worst, and collapsed Victoria into what was supposed to be a brief ‘circuit-breaker’ lockdown to ‘get on top of the alleged “spread.”
…2 days later…
AUGUST, Saturday 7th: The media presumptuously seized upon the ridiculousness of “29 cases,” and with 5-days still to go of the ‘7-day snap lockdown’ they were already proclaiming that the lockdown would be extended.
…5 days later…
AUGUST, Thursday 12th: 7-DAY EXTENSION ANNOUNCED: With “20 new recorded cases,” the Andrews Government extended the lockdown for an additional 7-days. The original ‘7-day snap’ had become 14-days.
…2 days later…
AUGUST, Saturday 14th: Two days into the first 7-day extension of the original ‘snap 7-day lockdown,’ with just a total of 21 new “daily cases,” the media was already announcing that Victorians should be prepared for a further extension.
…3 days later…
AUGUST, Saturday 15th: BOLD PLAN TO INCREASE VACCINATION RATE: The Andrews’ Regime announced ‘a bold plan to get 1 million jabs into one million arms in 5 weeks.’ It was effectively an admission that the "lockdown-siege" of Victorians would be equal parts marketing and coercion to “sell to the market” a criminal medical experiment. All this constitutes the first necessary phase: the second phase is a Vaccine Passport system that is required to monitor and coerce endless “booster shots” with a promise of permitting only the vaccinated to access “free zones."
It is evident that none of this is being done to suppress a supposed virus.
…1 day later…
AUGUST, Monday 16th: ENTER THE PLAYGROUND BULLY & CURFEW: After an unusually sunny late-winter weekend, a brutish and cruel Premier decreed that playgrounds would now be closed. This was in peevish retaliation against families who had chosen to enjoy the sunshine in an attempt to cope with the absurd and dehumanizing restrictions. A curfew was also arbitrarily imposed. If one truly “trusts the science:” statistically, not a single case anywhere (globally) has been determined, or recorded, mask, or no mask, to have been transmitted outside. Thus, the strategic ‘closure of the playgrounds’ reflected the new Pharma focus on propagating the lie (as a prelude for vaccinating everyone) that children ‘were getting infected with Delta and are now at risk’ — another statistic impossibility.
In a further assault on our civil liberties, it was declared that the duration of the current lockdown would not be determined by cases, but rather, the punishment of an additional 2-weeks of lockdown (including the four days that currently remained of the second 7-day extension.) Thus, the original ‘7-day snap lockdown’ of August the 5th, that had been extended by an additional 7-days, was now, without flexibility — extended to 28 days.
…1 day later…
AUGUST, Tuesday 17th: SUSPENSION OF PARLIAMENT: With just ‘25 new daily cases’ for the whole of 6.7 million Victorians, the Andrews’ Regime indefinitely suspended Parliament (using the absurd pretence of “protecting the health” of sitting Parliamentarians.) A vote was held, and the same MP traitors (Fiona Patten, Andy Meddick, Samantha Ratnam) who had previously betrayed Victorians by casting their decisive vote to bless Andrews with an additional 9-months of State of Emergency powers (the only reason he has been able lock us down) contributed to a further advancement of unchecked totalitarianism. Their votes were crucial, and they ensured that Parliament would be suspended, and that Andrews would avoid scrutiny. There would be no remote video debate “or sitting,” and any such endeavour to preserve what should have been a safeguard requisite of a representational Democracy was dismissed). Effectively, Andrews had once again attained a status of “Supreme Leader.” This was undeniably ominous and foreshadowed darker days, and even darker machinations to come. The last time Parliament was suspended — Andrews used the lack of debate and accountability to install a Police State and hold Victorians housebound for 111-days of tyranny.
…14 days later…
SEPTEMBER, Wednesday 1st: ROADMAP TO RUINATION: A “Roadmap Out of the Lockdown” was revealed: basically, endless lockdown, and the absurd concession of ‘open playgrounds with a QR-Code registration,’ with a child being permitted to be accompanied by ‘only one parent who was not permitted to remove their mask to eat or drink.’ Rather than opening Victoria and ending the lockdown tyranny as had been anticipated, the original ‘7-day snap lockdown’ that had become 14-days and then 28-days had now been decreed to be ‘an indefinite lockdown until 70% of Victorians had received their first jab.’ It was unambiguous medical coercion. Victoria was being held hostage to fulfil a pharmaceutical contract and to usher in the bleak reality of Medical Apartheid via Vaccine Passports. There was no plan to reopen businesses and to free Victorians — there never was. It was suggested that if ‘the 70% threshold had been achieved within a month’ — then only slight adjustments to the current restrictions might be permitted (5 kilometre travel radius extended to 10 kilometres; 3 hours of permitted outdoor exercise increased from 2.) The daily “case number” had been deliberately inflated for dramatic effect (“116 cases” a new daily high) and to further justify the continued oppression. The lockdown had not worked. It was starting to become apparent that an increase in vaccination rates was exponentially proportionate to an increase in ‘community transmitted’ cases.
There was an emerging correlation between the two.
…3 days later…
SEPTEMBER, Saturday 4th: DEHUMANISING THE UNVACCINATED: Despite an extensive month-long lockdown, and Victoria being reduced to a stupefied Penal Colony of squabbling and contemptuous inmates — all government measures determined by the Chief Health Officer to suppress the supposed spread of Delta had amounted to naught. The lockdown was never intended to achieve this outcome. What had started as a mere ‘7 cases’ on August the 5th, had reached a new high of ‘209 cases’ and was speculated to increase. It had all been a deliberate coercive psychological tactic: it will not end until all are vaccinated. Thus, “those that chose not to vaccinate are choosing to extend the lockdown” and they are the real enemy of Victorians and Victoria: divide and conquer.
…1 day later…
SEPTEMBER, Sunday 5th: FROM LOCKDOWNS TO LOCKED-OUT: Andrews states in no uncertain terms that the unvaccinated will eventually be ‘locked-out of society.’ He classifies and distinguishes them as ‘they,’ establishing a dehumanising otherness to their essential character, and stresses that if they choose not to vaccinate, then Victorians should not have to take on the burden of assuring and preserving their health — and therefore they should be “locked-out of society.” What had originally been a precautionary ‘7-day snap lockdown’ to ‘get on top of the spread’ had been extended to 14-days and then a further disproportionate 28-days and then indefinitely (but conditional on achieving an improbable 70% vaccination rate) AND, then: to reach a time in which an envisioned Medical Apartheid State of segregated Victorians will be implemented. Victorians will only be “free” when some are locked-out of the economy and society ‘for their choice.’
…1 day later…
SEPTEMBER, Monday 6th: VICTORIA’S VACCINE ECONOMY: The ABC presents an article, “Victorian Premier warns no-jab, no-play as state moves to ‘vaccine economy’. This conveniently timed article (on a day of ‘246 cases:’ a new high) outlines a doubling-down of the expressed Vaccine Passport agenda (something that was apparent before the vaccine had even been produced) and serves as a means to further frighten and coerce the current undesired uptake of a medical experiment.
The media rhetoric on the current lockdown period and Delta outbreak is that it is ‘going to be worse in October.’ Given that we are moving from the cold-and-flu season, and that COVID-19, like all coronaviruses, is most prevalent during the winter season — there is absolutely no basis for the current “outbreak” to exponentially increase, unless, of course, it follows the trajectory that it is destined to take: more faked daily totals, each, and every day, according to the agenda our Rogue Regime is pursuing at the behest of Big Pharma exploits.
There is not a single instance in history where a Nation has introduced an internal passport system that has not been fundamental to the infrastructure of a totalitarian regime of dehumanisation, segregation and the atrocities that it ultimately inspires.
A 70% vaccination rate makes this possible...
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