VICTORIA'S FIVE FAKED CASES: Indian Double Mutant "Emerges" in Epping, and the Deadly Mask Outbreak Infecting Faces Everywhere
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published May 24, 2021
Ah, Epping! Ever accursed, and ill-fated Epping — the unfortunate attractor of exotic viruses and unlikely "outbreaks."
Back in 2009, a student at St Monica's College, Epping, was remarkably the first Australian "case" of Swine Flu — the previous virus swindle, (comparatively a mere trifle), staged by the selfsame Swines revelling in this current shit.
So, now, the Indian "double-mutant variant" has turned up in Epping!
It is almost as if the ol' pandemic playbook had fallen on the floor, and they have once again recited from the first visible page.
It was all a coiled pig's tail back then, and it is certainly a tall tale right now.
Unimaginative, and predictable.
The supposed "outbreak" cluster is purportedly connected to a single family over multiple households, and currently totals just five. This is remarkable, not only because the "double mutant" managed to be so elusive that they had to keep searching and extensively testing for it even though it was nowhere to be seen, and nowhere to be found; but, because, even in India — the "double mutant" was scarce, and certainly not the cause of the "second wave" (that was attributed to the London mutant variant courtesy of the AstraZeneca vaccine).
This is really an exercise in persistence — the contact tracers found something where there was nothing, only because they knew they eventually would, because they were instructed that they must.
The intent was always to seed the idea of an Indian double-mutant "outbreak" in Australia, but it truly exists only as an abstract ideation, and there is no objective viral element that truly threatens.
What truly threatens are the restrictions and measures hastily introduced to terrorise the targeted population, as the government callously reinvokes the recent-lockdown trauma via hijacking the collective limbic brain.
It is almost a foregone conclusion that this "outbreak" will sputter and dissipate into irrelevance within the next few days — but there will be a real lasting "outbreak" of authoritarianism once again, as police extend their transport non-mask compliance blitz — to now blitz all Victorians with illegal $200 fines.
The police could not have timed their non-mask transport blitz (starting Monday 24th) to coincide with this unexpected "outbreak" any better — simply uncanny timing (by those in the "know").
Alas, the true "outbreak" of compulsory masks will again be both psychologically and physically destructive to the human organism — a true destroyer of health, as it starves the organs of oxygen, increases carbon levels and permanently extinguishes neurones while compromising immunity.
A hellish thing.
Obviously there are no cases of the Indian double mutant, and no need for restrictions to be reintroduced. However, there is a pressing need to coerce vaccination and an overarching need to extend Victoria's State of Emergency on June 4th — both "needs" are utterly interdependent and necessary to validate and perpetuate the other.
And that is why there was a primary "need" to create the illusion of "cases."
Needs beget needs, because there is a governing ulterior "want" demanded by the government: “get vaccinated.”
In truth, Victorians are more concerned about the schizoidal government and the looming potential of a snap-lockdown than the virus — and that reveals the true deadly disease that is currently infesting our reality: governmental terrorism and their terrorisation tactics.
We are undeniably being terrorised, and we must not negotiate — as we continue to renounce the new normal reality they are attempting to clamp down on us.
Hold the line. We are winning.
POSTSCRIPT: Written a few days earlier:
What are the odds that four "positive cases" might be discovered in Melbourne's North, after irrationally focused efforts to find something in that region consistently amounted to naught; but try, and try again they did, until:
Lo and behold! Cases! is as if they were always there, waiting to be unveiled in due time... indeed, suspiciously timed to coincide with the exact commencement date of a new Police Blitz on 'non-mask compliance' on public transport and the return of the illegal $200 fine...
The odds are quite high, actually — especially given the predictable behaviour and foreshadowing of a desperate Victorian Government frantically pushing a Federal Vaccine Agenda and desirous of ever more state mandated control...
Victorians don't want your sinister vaccine or your aspirations of evermore overreach...
Give it up, already!