VICTORIA'S NEW CENTRALISED QR CODE SYSTEM: Laying the Groundwork for Constant Surveillance, Faked Outbreaks, Microchip ID Monitoring & Vaccine Passports
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published May 7, 2021
It was announced today that Victorian businesses will now be required to use a centralised 'Services Victoria app' as a compulsory QR 'check in.'
All previous independent sign-in procedures and methods of 'tracking' are now deemed non-compliant with the new 'public health regulations' for business operation.
Out government is demanding a consolidation and centralisation of data collection for 'tracing purposes' under the guise of 'protecting our health.'
To continue to operate, business operators must submit to using the Services Victoria app and allow complete monitoring and data harvesting of all patrons and customers.
They must also have a COVID Marshall in place to ensure people are complying with the system.
"The Health Minister said the change-over would be accompanied by an enforcement and information drive."
" with the data centralised, the government should be able identify where usage was not at predicted levels, "and they need to be transparent about it".
There is zero need for any of this.
This enforced update to the QR system, especially as Victorians emerge from the recent pandemic gloom with renewed optimism — does not bode well for the preservation of our freedoms.
There are devilish plans afoot.
Yes, the new system is now consistent with the QR Code system employed in other Australian states, but in this current timeline — it is neither necessary, nor truly intended to maintain public health.
It is designed to hinder public health, and to arbitrarily declare "sickness" by connecting real people to fake outbreaks; and to intrusively disrupt our freedom as a precursor for the next iteration of tracking technology: microchips.
Basically, the QR Code system is a placeholder for tomorrow's technocratic tyranny.
It is not too difficult to envision the appeal this has for an autocratic government: the microchipping of the population to track emerging "outbreaks," and to instantly determine who may enter a business on the basis of their updated Vaccine Passport.
They are working toward a fully-integrated 5G AI-monitored network that will oversee all human activities: Full Spectrum Dominance.
Compliance, guaranteed — always.
That is the plan.
Submitting to their QR Code system is part of the necessary conditioning that will eventually enable further technological encroachment upon our freedom and privacy.
The QR Code will inevitably be abused by the government to fictitiously "trace and track" contacts of future "outbreaks," close businesses, impose lockdowns, compel testing and to ultimately force people to be vaccinated against their will: Ring Vaccination Strategy.
It will be used to justify Crimes Against Humanity by forcing medical experimentation on unwitting individuals who just happen to be unfortunately "traced" in the same government database.
We must assert our freewill and basic human rights and choose against all entanglement in this tracking trap — refuse to comply, and do all we can to circumvent and resist this anti-human system.
It's 'just two weeks', 'it's just a mask,' 'it's just a vaccine,' 'it's just a QR Code,' 'it's just a microchip'... it's just your government looking after you...
What they take, they will not give back — until we say, 'No!'