VICTORIA’S NURSING HOME CRISIS: Exposing the Origins of our Manufactured COVID-19 Crisis
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 18, 2020
ABSTRACT: This article aims to elucidate the deceptive claim that a ‘deadly virus’ is killing those in Aged Care, despite their continued quarantine, and the protection such isolation should afford them. It will explore the unreliability of both the PCR test and the Serology Blood Tests, and how the mandatory flu-shot might very well have caused ‘viral interference,’ a phenomenon that could result in a 36% higher susceptibility to any coronavirus, including a common cold. New research from Singapore has discovered that T cells are evidence of lasting immunity in recovered COVID-19 patients – but, remarkably, they also discovered that more than 50% of people who had not had COVID had already developed T cells from previous coronavirus infections. They were already immune to COVID-19. There is a definitive correlation between administered flu-shots, viral interference, and heightened vulnerability to coronaviruses and COVID-19 (from the family of coronaviruses).
Evidence will be presented of deliberate manipulation of public perception and distortion of science and data.
There is something undoubtedly sinister about the supposed deaths occurring in Victorian Aged Care Facilities. Something is definitely amiss. Unfortunately, many still remain paralysed by the Official Fear-Narrative, attuned to tell-a-vision, being told-a-vision while huddled amongst hoarded stockpiles of toilet paper, perhaps even idiotically wrapped and mummified so as to hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil of the agenda. There is a ‘deadly, wicked virus; that does ‘not discriminate’ and it could be them dying, or their family, if not today, then tomorrow:
“Oh, may our compassionate Premier deliver us through this tribulation, may the Andrews’ Government line us up on socially distanced stickers, so that we may meekly stand in line for AstraZeneca’s glowing deliverance in a syringe! The Government truly loves us, and Andrews cares about all of our lives and health — he is not selfish like some, and he is responsible for all of us, unlike all the irresponsible ones that have caused this! We suffer because of them, and he, too, suffers the suffering of those who suffer.”
Their cult leader has programmed these groupthink devotes most admirably through basic brainwashing techniques — they remain hopelessly detached from reality, but firmly attached to a diabolical fiction. They desperately need to be deprogrammed from the COVID Death Cult, for they are the enablers, witlessly endangering themselves, and a danger to all.
Day-after-day, Andrews deceptively exploits the dearly departed, using their deaths as tallied numbers on his ‘COVID Death Toll.’ Inevitably, the numbers increase, for ‘the elderly are most at risk,’ which seems to hold a twofold warning — for his VicPol Thug Patrol seem equally motivated to focus on them. You would think that he is being sardonic, especially when 90-year-olds, and now, a total of three 100+ year-olds who were ‘most at risk’ of dying, actually died! Heaven forbid! Facetiousness aside, these deaths are extremely significant to the immediate families, and should not be trivialised, but nor should they be paraded as part of a National COVID Tragedy that is inherently misleading and utterly false. Truthfully, this is lie of such stupendous magnitude that history will not forgive the apathetic and complacent today — those who have permitted such extraordinary wrongs to be loaded, set, and catapulted into the coming decades.
It has been established that many in the Aged Care Facilities have endured and suffered hellish negligence; isolated and broken-hearted; riddled with bedsores and other assorted injuries left unattended; unwashed, ants scurrying over festering wounds; malnutrition and virtual starvation; missed essential medication, and all manner of inhumane mistreatment. It almost seems like a homicidal campaign of forced-euthanasia. These revelations alone are reasons enough for suspecting that some of the “COVID dead” may have met an untimely demise by another hand, or rather, a lack of a hand. It is all beyond atrocious, and certainly beyond simply accidental.
So, surely, the elderly have still been disproportionately affected by COVID, as they are ‘most at risk?’ We have been misled to believe they are dying of COVID, rather than accompanying comorbidities (usually 2-3) and extremely advanced years, compounded with rampant instances of neglect, and the cold hard fact that statistically, those in nursing homes, only live three years or less. It might be truer to suggest that they were dying, and COVID may have also been present, and therefore, they died ‘with COVID’, rather than ‘of COVID.’
However, even this might prove to be somewhat misleading. The Federal Health Department data, appearing last week in The Australian, shows there ‘were almost 1000 fewer deaths in residential aged care in the first seven months of this year than in the same time last year.’ Basically, although they comprise three-quarters of the total COVID deaths (606 of 816 as of 17-09-20), they are not dying in pandemic droves, but rather, simply dying in fewer numbers during a “pandemic,” even though they ‘are most at risk’ and the deadly disease has infected thousands. It seems it is not so deadly, and perhaps, not even COVID-19 that is actually causing their deaths.
The question remains: are they actually dying of COVID-19? Perhaps the answer begins with another question: Is there some correlation between compulsory flu-shots for Health Care Workers, Front Line Workers, Nursing Home Carers and all Nursing Home Residents and the extremely high contraction of supposedly positive COVID cases amongst these groups? A Pentagon study released in January showed that those ‘receiving influenza vaccination may have an increase in the risk of other respiratory viruses due to a phenomenon called ‘viral interference.’ It was stated that their research revealed a 36% increased likelihood of those who received a flu-shot also getting coronavirus. Viral interference was the responsible mechanism. However, the Official Fact Checkers ( amongst others) were swift in their debunking, and they quickly allayed fears with their overriding verdict that this had nothing to do with COVID-19, and was limited to the family of coronaviruses (four others), excluding COVID-19. Indeed, nothing to see here, close your eyes, and dissolve into your comfortable pillow and dream the Official Dream.
Two things emerge from this revelation. Firstly, those receiving flu-shots in general ACTUALLY have a 36% increased chance of other respiratory viruses, including coronaviruses of which the common cold is one type. This in itself is immensely alarming, and cause for pause, especially when considering those in nursing homes, immunocompromised with heightened vulnerability. Secondly, the Polymerise Chain Reaction (PCR) test is notoriously flawed and inaccurate, prone to error, and never intended by the designer to be used to detect a virus outside of experimentation in the laboratory. The New York Times recently published an article, ’Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be,’ that revealed ‘up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus.’ The CDC openly admits on their website that a Serologic Blood Test, when detecting antibodies, might actually give a ‘false positive,’ as these isolated antibodies might not be from COVID-19, but actually the ‘common cold from the family of coronaviruses.’
The likelihood of ‘false positives’ is considerable; to make a true judgement on an actual ‘positive case,’ the means of testing needs to be clarified. Was it assumed that those exhibiting COVID-like symptoms had COVID without testing? Did they have their blood tested? Was it an invasive nasal swab for the PCR test? Was an autopsy conducted, and was blood analysed post-mortem for COVID-19 only to find a coronavirus false positive? How have supposed COVID-19 deaths been determined as the final cause? Perhaps the flu-shot has made the prevalence of coronavirus antibodies seem like an outbreak of COVID-19 in those blood tested? It would be reasonable to suspect that many dying of comorbidities, neglect, and extremely advanced age would also experience colds in such a susceptible state. The fact that they were all force-vaccinated against the flu seems to have guaranteed this occurrence.
Now, it may be further argued that this is all nonsense, that additional testing can supposedly isolate COVID-19 (something that is not actually reliable, and verifiable, yet is merely assumed by the PCR test) and that all those testing ‘positive to COVID-19’ must actually have had the virus – the deceased nursing home residents included. The flu-shot has done nothing to increase the likelihood (36% or anything similar) as the Fact Checkers have shown that ‘viral interference’ is not compatible with COVID-19. This is quite the assumption, and it now seems an ill-founded assertion. New scientific research from Singapore has highlighted emerging evidence that up to 50% of the population are already immune to COVID-19, having developed the necessary immune-bestowing T cells that prior exposure to circulating coronaviruses has created:
“The team tested subjects who recovered from COVID-19 and found the presence of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in all of them, which suggests that T cells play an important role in this infection. Importantly, the team showed that patients, who recovered from SARS 17 years ago after the 2003 outbreak, still possess virus-specific memory T cells and displayed cross-immunity to SARS-CoV-2.
Our team also tested uninfected healthy individuals and found SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in more than 50 percent of them. This could be due to cross-reactive immunity obtained from exposure to other coronaviruses, such as those causing the common cold, or presently unknown animal coronaviruses.” (Professor Antonio Bertoletti, from Duke-NUS' Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) programme)
Basically, COVID-19 is part of the coronavirus family, and immunity to one coronavirus is showing a scientific immunity to coronaviruses in general. This is also compelling evidence that a flu-shot that causes ‘viral interference’ and a 36% higher probability of contracting a coronavirus, is also true for COVID-19.
If the nursing home residents are actually dying with COVID-19, and it is actually circulating within the confines of these buildings, then the compulsory flu-shot has been both a facilitator and an executioner. It could also be posited that all those supposedly testing positive to COVID-19, who have been forced to receive the flu-shot, have been equally exposed, and rendered 36% more susceptible. Whether they are deceptively testing positive for coronaviruses, or have tested positive for COVID-19 — the connection with the flu-shot is not merely incidental and IS absolutely scandalous.
I personally know an individual who works as a maintenance caretaker contracted to twelve different Aged Care Facilities, and he has performed this role over an eleven-year-period. He has revealed, (and, yes, this is hearsay), that the homes receive a financial incentive for each supposed “COVID-19 death,” and that all the deaths were those already dying, and that the unanimous opinion amongst the Directors is that there has been absolutely no increase in mortality this year. This is a fact supported by The Federal Health Department data.
The nursing home dead are being used to install a lifeless “State of Death” for all Victorians; and in honour of those that have been so despicably exploited, we, the living, must denounce this COVID Death Cult, and expose the machinations and those responsible for this tragic deception. Their deaths have been unscrupulously promoted to protract the constriction, deformation, and ultimate upheaval of our former normal life — an utter assault on life itself. The “New Normal,” is perversely abnormal, conceived in the minds of psychopaths, and we must do all we can to dismantle the implementation of this antihuman infrastructure; limit its damage; and extract ourselves entirely from its pervasive stranglehold. It is time to breath easy. The virus is not what we have been told, and it is not killing us, or even the nursing home residents in numbers resembling an actual pandemic; or even at a level that might be attributed to a truly ‘deadly disease.’ We have been had.
Dan Andrews might only be the spokesman fronting the COVID Death Cult, the known cult leader par excellence, but he needs to be held accountable for perpetuating and promoting the official narrative to Victorians. He must be removed and prosecuted for his knowing role in conjuring the daily fiction that has spellbound so many. In acting to deliberately implode the economy for IMF and World Bank plunder, and to deliver us to the clutches of Gate’s Vaccine Behemoth — he is guilty of both treason, and numerous crimes against humanity.
May the blade be blunt!
‘Nurses Horrified By ‘Weeks of Neglect’ of Woman From COVID-hit Melbourne Nursing Home’ (The Guardian, Melissa Davey and Ben Butler, August 21, 2020)
- Ants crawling from wounds:
‘Victorian Aged Care Leak Shows Melbourne Home ‘Begging For Staff After Coronavirus Outbreak’ (The Guardian, Melissa Davey, Lisa Cox, and Stuart MacFarlane, August, 15, 2020)
CLAIM: 1000 Fewer Aged Care Deaths During First Seven Months Of 2020
Note: original article in The Australian behind pay-wall
‘Aged Care Deaths Fall During Pandemic With Influenza At Record Lows’ (The Sydney Morning Herald, Dana McCauley, September 12, 2020)
CLAIM: Mandatory Flu Vaccination Program
‘Responsibilities of Residential Aged Care Providers’
‘Annual vaccination is the most effective way to reduce the impact of the flu in the community, especially in aged care homes.
To help prevent and stop the spread of flu in aged care, you must have processes in place. This is a requirement to comply with the Aged Care Quality Standards.’…/responsibilities-of-residential…
CLAIM: Number of Aged Care Infected & Health Care Infected
CLAIM: Pentagon Study, Flu-Shot, 36 Percent More Likely To get Coronavirus
‘Influenza Vaccination And Respiratory Virus Interference Among Deapartment of Defense Personnel During the 2017-2018 Influenza Season’ (Greg G. Wolff, June 19, 2020)
‘Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies) (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense, April 16, 2020)
‘No Evidence That Flu Shot Increases Risk of COVID-19’ (Angelo Fichera, April 27, 2020)
‘The erroneous claim that the study shows a heightened risk for COVID-19 for those vaccinated for the flu hinges on the study’s suggestion that vaccinated individuals appeared more likely to get “coronavirus.”
But the study looked at four types of seasonal coronaviruses that cause common colds, not SARS-CoV-2.’
CLAIM: 90 Percent Of People Testing Positive Carried Barely Any Virus:
‘Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.’ (NYT, August, 29, 2020)
CLAIM: Unreliability of PCR COVID TEST
‘Was THE COVID-19 Test Meant To Detect A Virus?’ (Celia Farber, May 14, 2020)
The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The "Corona Test" Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus
Polymerise Chain Reaction (PCR) and Serology Blood Tests:
‘Different Paths To The Same Destination: Screening for COVID-19’ (Chloe Kent, April 3, 2020)
CLAIM: 50% immunity against COVID-19 in T Cells from other previous coronavirus infection:
‘Scientists uncover SARS-Cov-2-specific T cell immunity in recovered COVID-19 and SARS patients’ (Duke-NUS Medical School, July 16, 2020)