‘WEAR A MASK AND MELBOURNE ON’: The Radical Left “Woke” Infiltration of Melbourne “culture.”
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 21, 2021
This single street poster perfectly encapsulates everything that is currently wrong with Melbourne. It absolutely reeks of Radical Left plastic virtue, and if properly decoded and understood — it is truly propaganda most foul.
It is all a garish celebration of the Progressive Left — a diseased mindset (a truly parasitic intellectual-growth within the traditionally Left-leaning political divide) that has been synonymous with the “spread” of the “virus.” Indeed, the “virus” required a compatible host-ideology to infect — and it would not have “spread” with such rapidity if it were not for the incubating support of Radical Left ideology and their superficial “virtue signalling.”
Unfortunately, Progressive Left-leaning Melbourne under a Socialist-leaning Andrews’ Labor Government has become a veritable haven of these types, and when activated by a compatible leader (Andrews) — they have become a formidable hoard of ideological “culture” enforcers. It is observable that the Progressive Left (and those entrapped minds that adhere) have illogically cowered and capitulated against all scientific facts that disprove their “pandemic” panic. Facts do not matter when irrational emotions determine reality. Thus, they have celebrated a cult-mentality of anti-fact-based-anti-science that served to disarm resistance, and hand Melbourne to the Authoritarian exploits of the Andrews’ Government.
The sloganeered, ‘Wear a mask and Melbourne on,’ with the ‘on’ incorporated into a power switch icon, is an obvious attempt to convey the false idea that mandatory mask-wearing has effectively enabled Melbourne to be switched “on,” after having been “turned–off” by multiple pandemic lockdowns. All this is patently false, for masks are scientifically incapable of providing any such protection, and there have been zero peer-reviewed studies confirming otherwise. Indeed, the wearing of a mask does not impede the potential of respiratory viral transmission — it is merely a sadistic prop that signals a submission to an unscientific government decree. A masked-face is a slavishly obedient face, and it represents a once unique countenance that has become utterly lost amongst a blurred-throng of followers. It is the erasure of the individual.
Visually, the poster is a simple, yet complex pastiche piece. It symbolically operates on numerous levels, and every aspect of its composition has been calculated to convey a “woke” Progressive vision. It is equal parts innocuous, and undeniably deceptive. Upon further analysis, the underlying “vision” it promotes is dangerously blind; and while advocating a “progressive” intent — it slyly pursues, advances and enables a true regression.
Indeed, it is not just an innocent poster. In its very essence, it represents many vogue Social Justice obsessions crammed into one image; yet, ironically, such superimposed and cluttered “inclusion” has rendered the lofty ideals of “diversity” as one homogenised masked-nothingness: all are now one behind the mask. All are now under the control of the Authority that has masked them.
Last year, in the midst of the Mad Premier’s 111-day Lockdown Reign, Dan Andrews glibly remarked that Melbournians “would be wearing masks for a long time,” and that “masks had become part of our culture.” The “culture” he is alluding to is the culture of submission that has been cunningly enabled by a “culture” of phony “virtue-signalling.” This particular “culture” is directly informed by a ‘wicked, deadly disease’ that continues to endanger us all: Cultural Marxism.
The subtext of the image is comprised of numerous overt Cultural Marxist ideals: with Critical Race Theory, Radical Feminism and Gender Studies all represented:
The ‘pink’ mask: represents a uniform voiceless obedience.
The cartoonish ‘light blue’ hair: Firstly, the coloured hair is not the issue. Obviously this can be positively associated with alternative lifestyles, activism, free-expression, music and arts, and a rebellious non-conformity against a conservative aesthetic — it is what it signifies in this particular context that is of concern. Unnaturally coloured hair is stereotypically associated with Radical Feminism and “woke” cult-membership. It has also been deliberately juxtaposed in this context to fuse the classic infant ‘pink-girl’ and ‘blue-boy’ pastel colours into a single gender-fluid composite image.
The ‘person of colour’ complexion on a manga-esque “Anglo-woman” is undeniably misplaced; while the ambiguous, and gender-neutral torso, has been deliberately chosen to desexualise the assumedly female body. Again, race representation and the desexualisation is not the issue — it is the ham-fisted manner in which it has been combined to signal the divisive Marxist agenda.
“We are all in this together,” it would seem, especially in this hodgepodge caricature.
None of this is necessarily negative (it is the obvious association with weaponised Cultural Marxism that is the issue), and my analysis is not intended to promote bigotry, but rather to point out how all of this is ultimately a self-defeating protest. Placing a mask over the person removes both voice, and all key expressions conveyed by smile and mouth. The mask effectively undermines and renders impotent all the trite Social Justice stereotypes present. Not only is a mask a symbol of submission to oppression, it is also being used to signal to those already captured by Cultural Marxist ideals that if you resonate with these other “signalled virtues” — YOU must equally submit to the “virtue gesture” of wearing a mask. In typical zealotry, it follows that those not practicing similar “masked-virtue” are “heathens” and must be converted, or remain an enemy: divide and conquer.
While masked, you forsake your individuality and also signal your absolute and unquestionable allegiance to authority — the ultimate virtue. You become an authoritarian follower, a replicated and integral cell of the greater body of the Great Authority — and their deeds, become your creed. Those entranced by a Cultural Marxist mindset have replaced an innate human need for a god with the omnipresence godlike authority of Authority — indeed, their secular prayers, their angels and demons, and their penance for their sins and their concept of grace-by-virtue, are all directed and manifested by the Government. And to devoutly obey — is to behave virtuously in alignment with the saviour wishes of their “god.”
In its entirety, this poster symbolizes the underlining reason Melbourne fell so easily to the COVID Tyranny, and continues to fall. The question of why Melbourne has been locked-down four times totalling almost 200 days, and experienced the world’s longest and cruellest consecutive lockdown (111 days) has nothing to do with “outbreaks.” It has everything to do with the academically ‘broken minds,’ and those who are ideologically possessed by Cultural Marxism, and thus incapable of discerning objective reality from officially sanctioned fiction: they have proven to be slavishly dutiful and unquestioning Party Members of the New Medical Fascism.
The “virus” is Cultural Marxism (the sleeping Woke, the modern Progressive Left, the Radical Left) and all that this incapacitating and deadly infection entails. It imbeds itself in a society, and slowly kills culture, divides, and consumes the life of all people trampled by its fracturing anti-human ideology: it seizes the mind, and if left untreated, will eventually kill humans en masse. Historically, it always has.
Those proponents of Left-wing politics of yesteryear, who advanced the cause of women, sexual expression, racial equality and true social inequalities, would never have accepted and submitted to an Authoritarian government acting to advance Big Pharma capitalist exploits to enrich “the man” and to impoverish the trinity of mind, body and soul of the people. The traditional Left died in the 1960s (perhaps in the very moment Kennedy was assassinated), and was re-animated into a rampaging Cultural Marxist abomination. Indeed, the Progressive Left today is a zombie-ideology that lumbers clumsily about, making much noise as it aggressively thrusts itself upon life as it aims to consume the brains of the living.
It is the deadly virus.
Melbourne was selected as the “lockdown scapegoat state” to aggressively market the Australian-wide vaccine agenda, because the Pandemic Schemers knew a crucial percentage of the Victorian population would allow them to get away with it. Indeed, many Melbournians have been infected with the mind-parasite of Radical Leftist Ideology, and in their endless pursuit to “appear ever-virtuous” upon the command of their leaders, they have absurdly applauded each, and every increasing increment of authoritarian cruelty and oppression. Indeed, they urge and encourage the implementation of ever more. They have been perfectly tricked; and have betrayed their true humanity in service to the rapacious diktats of the Predator Class of psychopaths — and many, inexplicably, are still none the wiser.
This is no simple poster with a simple slogan — it is an integrated iconographic representation of why the mind of Melbourne was so readily conquered.
It is also a visual testament of all that must be acknowledged, and wholeheartedly rejected, if we are to begin to truly heal what has been a campaign of focused division in our Western culture, and to liberate ourselves of the true shackles of the Liars, and their Lies.
It begins with first recognising the debilitating malignancy of the Cultural Marxist cancer. We must determine the various pathways of metastasis, while acting to reverse its damage, by deftly cutting it from the cultural body.
There is nothing truly virtuous in a misplaced and misinformed hatred being directed at all, and everyone — while simultaneously siding with an Oppressor that is actually oppressing all, and everyone.
Remove the mask and all that is behind it … and Melbourne ON.
I am aware that some will immediately react (as programmed) to branding my objective as one of prejudice, bigotry, privilege, racism, Far Right thinking, etcetera; but this neither represents my attitude, nor the intent of writing this piece.
I have written two previous articles that serve as companion material to better contextualise the opinion advanced in this piece:
‘THE PERPETUALLY RESENTFUL ONES: A Reflection On The Antihuman Humans Amongst Us’
'AUTHORITARIANS AND AUTHORITY: A Reflection On The Dynamics of Our Victorian Police State'
Cultural Marxism at its very core is intended to fragment, divide and ultimately weaken a population at all potential social-fracture lines (gender and race, foremost), to enable true oppression and inhumanity. It is ironic, as it cunningly presents an ideology that offers a greater poison as an “antidote” to the problems it seeks to address.