WESTERN AUSTRALIA'S 3-DAY LOCKDOWN: ANZAC Day Cancelled, as the Mind War is Waged Again.
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published April 24, 2021
Each in turn, with each given a turn, as the screws are turned ...
Just prior to another public holiday, yet another Australian state stages yet another 'snap-lockdown' to let the Pandemic Myth play out — yet another day.
It is Western Australia's turn once again.
ANZAC Day is 'cancelled.'
During the supposed "peak" of the first and second "waves" of COVID-19 (each sustained and propagated by exaggerated 'false-positives' from deliberately rigged PCR methodology) Western Australia experienced an enviable five-month period of zero community transmission.
There was no virus.
To date, Western Australia has officially had 983 cases, 880 of which have come from overseas, and a total of 9 supposed deaths.
Despite the low numbers, the truth is that even these statistics are most likely fictitious.
There was no virus.
Indeed, the 2020 focus was elsewhere, primarily in Victoria, where the stage was set for the necessary "pandemic theatre" to dramatically portray the desired ‘Vaccine Saviour Narrative’ on behalf of all Australians. It was all clearly staged — elaborate props and all. The plastic virtue-signalling of Melbourne's Leftist ideologues was perfect for imposing mandatory masking and a torturous 111-day Stage 4 lockdown; and for engaging the misguided and miseducated socialist-spirit to whole-heartedly partake in solemn pandemic make-believe — and to whole-heartedly hate those not so readily duped.
Melbourne was easily conquered, divided and has been psychologically laid to waste — primed to dutifully submit should the diktats be issued again.
Western Australia, not so, and not so easily.
A different mentality prevails, and the warmer climate is not conducive to the propagation of seasonal cold-and-flu viruses (as all coronaviruses are); or pertinently, the re-categorising of such infections to deceptively exaggerate "cases" as has been done in the seasonally colder Australian states.
Perth remained a disease-free bastion of pre-coronavirus normality, fortified by distance, and presumedly safeguarded by the fact that it is the most remote city in the world.
There was no virus.
Today, a returned traveller who completed his two-week Hotel Quarantine, spent a further five days freely roaming Perth, before flying to Melbourne, and finally testing "positive."
Melbourne has a way of finding results.
This "revelation" prompted Western Australia Premier, Mark McGowan, to dramatically impose a 'snap three-day lockdown' to contain the outbreak. He also expressed the importance of 'not being complacent' and took the opportunity to rather jarringly reiterate the 'the necessity of getting vaccinated.'
An "outbreak" ...numbering just one.
Not an outbreak.
Probably not even a real 'positive case,' either.
With no noticeable increase in global mortality during the "pandemic" period, it is now indisputable that COVID-19 is less deadly than the seasonal flu, and that according to the world's leading epidemiologist, Professor John Ioannidis, the likelihood of contracting the virus and dying for those under the age of 70 is virtually zero.
It has a 99.98% survival rate.
World-renowned and reputable experts (Professor John Ioannidis and Professor Dennis Rancourt) are vilified and silenced for also communicating these two verifiable facts: lockdowns do not work, they destroy and kill; mandatory masking does naught, but harm.
Moreover, but most importantly, the deliberately fraudulent 'positive-case-generating' PCR testing was never designed for the detection of community spread viral particles, and should never have been applied to anything outside of laboratory research pursuits. It is inherently problematic, with results easily falsified and exploited due to calibration issues that are certainly not accidental.
Worldwide case numbers were intentionally bloated by such PCR trickery — resulting in an 89 to 94 percent false-positive outcome: a fake pandemic by fake numbers.
This new Western Australian "outbreak" of one — is once again another instance of the usual Psychopaths continuing their old fun.
Again, there will be no virus... other than that of the invading minds behind this renewed and predictable assault on our Australian society and freedoms.
They are the virus, and the truly infected are their mindless followers.
It is a Mind War, after all — and they are fighting for the conquest of our minds to seize the pharmaceutical territory of the body.
As always, resist.