WESTERN AUSTRALIA'S LOCKDOWN: Making a "Case" for Extending the State of Emergency
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published April 27, 2021
Ah, predictably, Western Australia's snap-3-day lockdown has ended — no new community transmitted cases...
...there was never going to be.
The whole premise for the lockdown was merely another recitation from the ol' Pandemic Script — a necessary fiction to advance the nefarious agenda.
There was truly no single case that demanded a 3-day snap-lockdown, but rather, the Western Australian Government required a manufactured "threat" to make a case for extending their State of Emergency. Incidentally, although crucially, that one terrifying "positive case" happened to coincide perfectly with renewing the SoE that was expiring that very same day.
Suspiciously, this a reoccurring phenomenon in all Australian States — just as the SoE is due to expire, the ever clever virus happens to intervene to ensure it remains foremost and relevant.
"The short three-day lockdown has done the job it was designed to do.
"It was a circuit-breaker we needed to limit community spread and keep our community healthy."
Ah, McGowan, your smug exercise in self-congratulatory gaslighting may continue to fool some, but many are awake, and many more are awakening to your despicable game...
...watch your back when you go down the stairs.