When two or more people come together to devise, scheme and strategise a means of gaining an advantage over another, or many others — that is called conspiring.
Such conspiratorial behaviour is often an endeavour to assert power; to preserve power; to accumulate power; and to diminish, or remove the power held by another.
To gain an insight into such conspiratorial acts, astute outsiders may be motivated (as individuals, or as a group) to examine the available facts that have contributed to the unfolding of a particular conspiracy by particular conspirators.
The facts are not always known, may be deliberately obscured, or may be completely inverted to protect the conspirators, and to preserve the success of their conspiracy.
All executed conspiracies attempt to present a reality that has been falsified to conceal and absolve the conspirators — and the facts presented are often riddled with implausibilities, inconsistencies and absurdities. This is the first key to revealing that a conspiracy has taken place.
Often, what we are left with is a shattered and scattered "official narrative" that must be diligently reassembled to establish the underlying truth, and to expose the underpinning motivation of the conspiracists.
This starts with a plausible theory (a 'conspiracy theory') that is developed to understand the conspiracists, those that conspired, and ultimately the intended outcome driving their conspiracy.
We may never know all the details, but the guiding principle of "Cui bono?" (or, "Who benefits?") is often quite revealing.
Such an analytical and vigilant undertaking by those outside the conspiratorial circle, whether directly or indirectly affected, or merely curious to ascertain the unsettling truth — is not "extremist." It is a desire to shred the lie and to return the power that has been stolen by the liars. It is only human to question and to remain inquisitive when things simply do not add up.
Thus, a 'Conspiracy Theorist' is essentially an individual who is able to discern that the "official narrative" as presented by the Powers That Be, by the media that they control —might not always be as officially stated, or to have unfolded as officially told.
Blind trust in Power (Government) will ultimately allow such shadowy Powers to do all they desire to continue to assert, preserve and accumulate further power (for absolute power corrupts absolutely) — if they believe you are incapable, or unwilling to see. Much is done in the darkness, and much is achieved by those that defiantly stare back and challenge with their Light.
Be a Conspiracy Theorist.
Great article on the defeat of the Voice. I'm afraid I reject the "conspiracy theorist" label for a number of reasons, Stephen, laid out in my post, 12 logical fallacies unmasked in the use of the terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist". Although I'm Australian, I'd never heard the "cooker" slur - just looked it up now - "crazy person?"