PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 31, 2021
It is apparent that Australia’s Prime Minister, and all state Premiers, are mere acolytes, each slavishly preparing the sacrificial blood-alter for their black-souled Overlord: Big Pharma: Big Banks: Big Evil.
We are the prized sacrifice.
Indeed, our "leaders" do not serve us — they are all but simpering and obedient forked-tongued servants to the dark agenda of the New Normal World Order.
That is truly who is calling the shots, and who is calling for the shots.
Yesterday, our National Cabinet decreed that according to their modelling, 80% of eligible Australians must now submit to an unnecessary and unwanted medical experiment — if they would like their freedom returned.
It seems our freedom is conditional on observing their malevolent ultimatum: otherwise, they will simply continue to incarcerate us in our homes at their choosing.
It was basically a formal admission that each utterly ruinous and disproportionate lockdown has been a deliberate manipulation tactic to effectively coax, and coerce vaccination. Indeed, each, and every farcical lockdown has been directed by this very purpose.
It has all been a Vaccine Marketing Campaign to incrementally install the necessary societal infrastructure for a Techno-Medical-Fascism: a Vaccine Passport to travel unfree.
Tellingly, a few days prior, Morrison had secured ‘80 million Pfizer booster shots’ scheduled for the next two years of “projected variants” for all Australians. We are now being informed that these miraculous "booster shots" will be required at regular intervals — ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
Nobody asked for this.
No one human, anyway.
Not a single Australian needs this, nor would any single Australian truly desire a “booster shot” regime if they knew the sheer magnitude of those already vaccine maimed, slain and irreparably DNA-altered by the insidious nano-tech concealed in each syringe. This ‘Pfizer booster shot deal’ represents a billion squandered taxpayer's dollars misdirected at satiating the insatiable maw of Big Pharma’s endless feeding frenzy. We should be absolutely outraged that we are being blindly spun around and pushed towards the gnashing needled jaws.
And they do not actually have a vaccine...
What they do have is an undeniably dangerous experimental syringe that they are frantically attempting to inject into as many arms as possible: adults, teenagers, children, pregnant woman, and even newborn infants.
Their relentless campaign to aggressively achieve this objective, despite there being no actual need and no true pandemic — should serve to illuminate what can only be a diabolical motivation.
This is undeniably the Devil's work.
Our freedom is ours to take back today. It is not theirs to conditionally give tomorrow.
This is coercion. This is criminal.
It is a Crime Against Humanity, by Criminals Against Humanity.
Our freedom returns the instant we all say: "No, no more!"
It is time WE call the shots.