WORKPLACE PRESSURE AT THE DHHS: One Worker’s First Pfizer Shot Damages his Eyesight
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 30, 2021
NOTE: The individual discussed below was one of the first to be coerced by a workplace requirement to be vaccinated (prior to the mandates being imposed for all Victorian industries four months later).
I recently encountered a young Indian Security Guard, and in the course of our brief conversation, he revealed that the Victorian Department of Human Health and Services (DHHS) had coerced him to submit to receiving the first of two Pfizer jabs as a condition of his continued employment. He eagerly produced his Vaccine Passport (see image: the approximate size of a credit card out-folded), and encouraged me to examine its contents, and even permitted me to photograph the card. Inside, it showed his vaccine status, the certification of the administrator, the batch number, and the date that he was due to receive his second shot (approximately one month later).
He was very candid; somewhat naïve, and then I asked him how he felt afterwards and during the three weeks since his injection. He told me that he was ‘mostly fine,’ but almost immediately afterwards his eyes started to ‘itch and burn,’ and that he cannot really focus on my face for long, or use his phone for more than a few minutes, as his vision starts to blur, and his ‘eyes become heavy and tired and itchy.’
This has been a constant issue for him for the last three weeks.
His prevailing condition is not ‘mostly fine.’ His GP told him that this will probably correct itself in time, but truthfully, that may simply be encouraging words founded on nothing more than wishful thinking. The vaccine is an unapproved experimental product with many unknowns still to be determined. He still has his second jab in less than a week, and he told me that he absolutely does not want to get it — but feels he has to, in order to appease his employers.
It seems his particular Government workplace delights in everyone wearing their ‘I’ve been Vaxxed’ badges to allay fears, and to establish a sense of unity and community.
What a diseased mindset — what a Cult of Disease!
He is undoubtedly a victim of a “vaccine” that is many times worse than anything that may be attributed to the supposed virus for an individual of his age — and now he is partially ‘vision impaired.’
It could be for the remainder of his life.
I feel his status as ‘a non-Australian resident’ was exploited to advance the insidious Vaccine Agenda fully embraced by the DHHS. He was undeniably coerced, and this is undeniably criminal.
How many others are similarly impaired after being corralled by overbearing influences (a continued income?) into the vaccination-pen for potential slaughter? It is certain that there are many, and many are many times worse as a result; and some will permanently lose their quality of life, and perhaps even forfeit their very life for partaking in this Phase 3 medical experiment.
Blind trust in the exploits of our Predator Class of “leaders” has resulted in this individual’s situation of partial blindness. Many ignorant parties are to blame, but none, more so, than himself.
Trust the science, trust the Government — combined and intertwined, you can trust that they intend to exploit your trust to your absolute detriment.
This is just unbelievably sad.