PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 4, 2022
February 4th, MARK ZUCKERBERG: First Gen Transhuman-Android; CIA asset and the synthetic "face" behind the origins of the data-harvesting endorphin-thieving Facebook mindparasite — gloriously loses $31 billion of his own personal fortune, and panicky shareholders wipe $240 billion from his envisioned soul-trapping Metaverse abomination...
February 3rd, JEFF ZUCKER: adulterous deadhead-honcho of cesspit-dredged CNN; CIA asset, pathological liar, depraved degenerate and "world-class sleazebag" — forced to resign over a longtime affair with a fellow coworker, jeopardising the launch of CNN+ streaming (a true blessing for humanity) and placing the entire network into a tailspin spiralling toward inevitable oblivion.
Two surprise Zucker-punches landed perfectly!