PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 11, 2021
Meanwhile, in manufactured "outbreak" crisis NSW...
The Premier yesterday said she was comfortable with the timing of NSW's lockdown.
"What I know is that we have some of the best health experts … [and] best advisers from the private sector and business contributing to the NSW government's ability to make decisions," she said.
"I have full confidence in the experts we rely on."1
Might these "best advisers" from the "private sector" and "business" merely be giving the ONLY self-serving "health" advice they could ever give — that which seeks to maximise the uptake of their vaccine product?
They are not simply contributing to the "government's ability to make decisions” — they are dictating and deciding exactly the "decision" the government must make: a vaccine business decision.
It is obvious that the Federal and State Governments are utterly enthralled to the requirements of Big Pharma exploits... indeed, every disproportionate restriction and lockdown decision has been made to market the undesirable and unnecessary vaccine product to the people.
This has never been more apparent.