PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 13, 2021
The mystics dwell within prime numbers, and the number sequence of 333 is a deliberate numeric signature — the signified “presence” announces itself through the cipher of 3s.
333 represents an esoteric “signpost” that is intended to convey a “message” to those that are aware of the code. It is intended for initiates of various mystical schools, occult practitioners and secret societies, and is understood to represent both the “Fingerprints,” and the “Hand” that is active wherever it may appear. To the lay, it is overlooked and irrelevant, and appears merely as a curious triplicate of digits: meaningless beyond the obvious.
However, the sequence of 333 is encoded with meaning. In the context of the “global pandemic,” it represents the Hidden Hand that has orchestrated and controlled all crucial events, and has effectively corralled humanity via Corporate Media, Big Tech censorship and captured bureaucrats in an attempt to implement its desired outcome: a Global system of Techno-Medical Fascism.
It can be assumed that when 333 features prominently in a significant geopolitical news development (as far as publicised numbers, cost, statistics etc.) it has been purposefully inserted to signify an otherwise concealed agenda.
The significance of 333 (although this is simplified, and the meaning and associated codification can be further extrapolated) is that it ultimately represents 9.
3x3x3 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9
3+3+3 = 9
Nine, according to “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues” by W.W. Westcott, holds great significance amongst many Masonic orders and secret societies. Westcott offers that the number nine is the number of the “Earth under evil influences.”
Nine is also considered the number that represents the “Matrix Control System.”
Thus, 333 can be interpreted as representing “Earth under evil influences,” and furthermore: the Evil Influencers themselves.
However, all this is mere baseless mysticism unless it can be shown to have a connection beyond fanciful speculation and conspiracy intrigue — and it certainly can!
THREE COMPELLING INSTANCES OF 333 relating to the “pandemic”
(1) 333: NIH, National Library of Medicine, published a preliminary study on the new coronavirus. Titled: ‘Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 333 confirmed cases with coronavirus disease 2019 in Shanghai, China’1
The ‘Abstract’ referenced ‘as of February 2020 there had been 333 confirmed cases reported in Shanghai, China.’
Importantly, WHO would not declare that the “outbreak” was actually ‘a pandemic’ until March the 11th.
It can be reasonably speculated that this was an early foreshadowing (and an announcement to those aware of the 333 signifier) of the coming Global “pandemic” hysteria, and the desired draconian “New Normal” response that would be ruthlessly imposed. The Evil Influencer was prematurely revealing its Hand.
(2) 333: According to the “official” CDC timeline, the first SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence was released online on January 10, 2020. Interestingly, the first person to receive a vaccination outside of the clinical trials (91-year-old UK woman, Margaret Keenan) occurred on the 8th of December. The amount of days between the first claimed publication of the “genomic sequence,” (January 10, 2020) and the first vaccinated person (December 8, 2020) is exactly 333 days.2

(3) 333: On the 19th of August, Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, signed a ‘Letter of Intent with AstraZeneca’ and offered a token payment of 333-million looted taxpayers dollars to ensure ‘that Australians would be amongst the first in the world to receive a vaccine should the trials prove successful.’3
Those at the very apex who have orchestrated our “Global pandemic reality” delight in communicating their direct complicity in numeric code. 333 is one such code.
With the assumption that 333 (9) represents “Earth under evil influences,” and that instances of 333 (in news reports, etc.) might actually reveal the evil machinations of such influences, it would be expected that 333 would be manifest, and associated with such manipulated “events” and “developments.”
The evidence is certainly there.
333 reveals the Hidden Hand behind the COVID Curtain — pull it aside, or better yet, pull it all down and expose the false wizard who is only empowered by disempowered ignorance.
Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 333 confirmed cases with coronavirus disease 2019 in Shanghai, China:
December 8, 2020 - first Pfizer vaccination:
Scott Morrison’s AstraZeneca 333-million deal and 'Letter of Intent’: