ALBANESE'S FOLLY: The Voice that will Sound his End
The 2023 Voice Referendum will be held on Saturday, October 14
On the eve of a rare blue supermoon, as the season turns and the Gregorian calendar denotes its final August days — we have finally been given a date. Many months of secrecy and speculation have preceded this historic announcement: The 2023 Voice Referendum will be held on Saturday, October 14.
In six weeks and three days, all Australians will be obligated to partake.
Tonight’s lunar event is certainly of occult significance, (the year’s biggest and brightest), but such a deliberate observance will not cast the desired spell. There will be no forthcoming change to our Constitution. Australians will not be fooled, not now, not by this; and despite the shaming propaganda and cynical corporate endorsements — it will all be for naught. And just as sure as winter yields to spring and the gloom and chill are overcome by a return of light — the devilish Lies underpinning the Voice will yield to Truth.
And they have…
The primary objective of The Voice was always treasonous. It was never intended to benefit Indigenous Australians. Having been drafted by The United Nations (UNDRIP1) in partnership with The World Economic Forum, it was intended to advance their shared objectives as defined by Agenda 2030. Thus, “The Voice,” (as a concept of UNDRIP) is a pathological template to legally asset-strip Australia, and to effectively reduce our population to landless serfs: “You will own nothing, and be happy.”
It was always about using the device of the “Aboriginal” (to be enshrined in the Constitution and embedded amongst the executive branch of our Federal Government) as a means to carve-up and expropriate Australian farmlands, forests, coastlines, rivers and private properties on behalf of a Transnational Billionaire Class.
The process as outlined by the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart,’ which Albanese declared he would “commit to realising in full,”2 is VOICE and then TREATY and then TRUTH. Despite displaying it brazenly on a T-Shirt, Albanese has laughably maintained that “The Voice is not about Treaty.”
This is how they were going to steal Australia:
Instigate a token “return of land” to the Indigenous via the Native Title Act (already achieved, ongoing)
Change the Australian Constitution to establish a controlled parallel parliament represented by an executive “Indigenous Voice.” (current agenda)
Use the controlled Voice to literally divide-and-conquer by ratifying a Treaty, confiscating “stolen” and “sacred” land, and then re-allocating the carved-up country and its assets (via a Truth tribunal) to the exclusive ownership of Transnational Globalists. (future project)
This gambit is being attempted in every post-colonialist nation, and the Indigenous everywhere are being similarly exploited to achieve the exact same totalitarian end: the Globalist conquest of lands; the capture and foreign control of all national resources; and the absolute subjugation and degradation of all peoples.
And they are failing…
Indeed, the truth has already circulated amongst the masses; and, at present, an informed Silent Majority are aware that it must be a resounding ‘NO.’3
And it will be…

There are many opinions and facts that have crystallised to form the prevailing ‘NO’ perspective. The Voice is certainly ‘racist and divisive’ from the outset, and it does create the illusion of elevating a ‘privileged class,’ but the people truly suspect that there is something far more sinister behind the surface virtue. It is not simply a “modest request,” in which “It is all upside, no downside.” There have been many revelations leaked in these last few months: land tax; pay the rent, repatriations;4 an ever expanding percentage of GDP siphoning;5 and a Treaty that will exclusively seize all land currently designated by Native Title Act — basically, all of Australia, to be taken from ALL Australians (especially the scapegoated Indigenous).
The YES Campaign has instilled zero public trust, with all key aspects having been deliberately obscured, and brazenly deflected throughout. Indeed, a grand lie cannot be presented and defended in any other way. Despite this, our Prime Liar has attempted to run with his monumental lie, refusing to concede defeat — and as it farcically unravels, it has only served to entangle and trip him up.
Today, with the announcement of the Referendum date, he will soon fall, and he will not get up.
The Voice Referendum should have been cancelled. It was roundly defeated before a Referendum date was even announced. To continue with it at this stage is an insult to all Australians. With every consecutive month, the polls have revealed that public support for The Voice has rapidly diminished, and it has now collapsed to the point of being ‘almost unsalvageable.’
Legacy media pundits have already declared it ‘a lost cause,’ which signals an unwillingness to fabricate and promote a glaringly preposterous narrative. These professional propagandists can no longer prop this terminally-limp travesty. Thus, the true Australian support for The Voice must be abysmally miniscule, perhaps even in the single digits.
Indeed, The Voice has been utterly exposed, and it is now much-maligned and undesired by most rational Australians. Since Federation in 1901, only eight referenda have been successfully carried, with the last success being in 1977 — thirty-six have failed. To be successful, a Referendum must achieve a national majority, and a majority in four out of the six states. The Voice Campaign is currently projected to fail on all accounts, and in all states. All desperate attempts to engineer a different outcome will prove futile; and all ham-fisted ballot-trickery will prove perilous to any leadership that dares transgress the free-will choice of a nation.
Australia will unanimously vote ‘NO.’
The Voice has shunted all else from the political limelight. It has been our Prime Minister’s sole preoccupation since the hour of his victory speech, and throughout the majority of his term. All pertinent issues affecting everyday Australians have been arrogantly sidelined, and utterly neglected. There has been no notable, nor sincere attempt to address the numerous issues besetting millions of households in this post-lockdown economic slump. At a time of looming recession, as many struggle with a cost-of-living crisis, mortgage default, soaring energy bills, and a shortage of affordable housing — the vast majority of Australians have zero representation.
We have no Voice in our own parliament!
What we have is an utterly captured buffoon; an entirely compromised and immoral papier-mâché duffer who is posing as our leader, having been installed to traitorously mislead all to the eventual demolition of the Australian Nation. Albanese is the Global Corporatocracy’s regional man — a wretched marble-mouthed imbecile who has been entrusted with finalising the “sale” of Australia to the Oligarchical Globalists.
They put their trust in the wrong man, and they trusted that laid-back Aussies could be royally hoodwinked — not on our watch!
To vote ‘YES’ is to sign-off on the contract, and to give consent to the forfeiture of our Great Southern Land, our sovereign Australia; to vote ‘YES’ is to forfeit all personal sovereignty that comes with private land ownership.
We have approximately six more weeks of being subjected to an endless bombardment of nauseating propaganda. Our tax-dollars and energy will be squandered, as our focus is demanded, and our minds are strategically targeted by techniques of coercion. The already tedious rallying call of “The Voice, The Voice, The Voice,” it is about to be amplified tenfold. However, all this will fail, and it will only cause the Silent Majority to further recoil and resent our political establishment.
We have already heard enough! Our minds are resolutely made up.
The accumulating rage of everyday Australians will need a political sacrifice to appease their sense of disenchantment and hopelessness. Forcing us to partake in this Voice affront will require atonement and a scapegoat. On the day after the failed Voice Referendum — there will be only one prime candidate.
Albanese is the sole embodiment and the inseparable face of The Voice. He is inextricably entwined and associated — and its catastrophic failure, will be his utter failure. Indeed, there will be dire repercussions for attempting this monumental deception against the Australian people; the verminous rats infesting our parliament will soon take teeth to their own. With strings furiously severed, our traitorous UN-puppet will lie inert, no longer useful to the failed lie, no longer useful to the Globalist Marionettist.
Disgraced and humiliated, the ever-weaselling Albo will be remembered only in that people wish to forget him. The Labor Government’s monomaniac obsession with foisting The Voice upon Australians will be historically noted as “Albanese’s Folly.” Sure, he was put up to it by his UN-WEF Overlords; and just as surely, he will be dragged down by it.
The day after The Voice Referendum will catalyse his political demise.
It will be something to look forward to.
NOTE: this is the SEVENTH piece in a current sequence of SEVEN. This series of articles aims to expose the hidden agenda behind the ‘Voice to Parliament.’ It is not necessary to read each piece in published sequence, but it may benefit the reader to read each piece for a thorough overview, and to establish interconnecting context. The first piece, second piece, third piece, fourth piece fifth piece, and sixth piece can be read here.)
The United Nations Declarations on the Rights of indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
“Millions of people watched Anthony Albanese when he stood at the podium at Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club in Sydney and said: “On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full.”
With those words, the prime minister’s election victory speech may have heralded a new chapter in Australia’s relationship with First Nations people.
Incoming Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney, who will assume the portfolio once the full ministry is sworn in, has since reiterated that implementing the Uluru Statement would be a high a priority for the new Labor government.”
Well said.
enjoyable reading