PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 22, 2021
(VIC) MAY 8th – A “man from Wollert” (Melbourne’s north) tests positive for coronavirus — later determined (on May 24th) to be the Kappa strain of the Indian double-mutant variant. Ironically, he did not catch it overseas, but bizarrely caught the variant while in an Adelaide Quarantine Hotel. He tested negative in Adelaide, and only returned a positive result after completing his 14-days of quarantine and being tested upon his return to Melbourne. Mysteriously, there were no other cases of Kappa detected in Adelaide.
…12 days later…
(KIRBY INSTITUTE NSW “MUTANT LAB*”) MAY 20th – ( *a lab in NSW that claims to culture and study all emerging global variants.) “The lab’s head, Associate Professor Stuart Turville, just finished work on B1.617.1” (Kappa) (1). When exactly was work ‘just finished’ on culturing a sample of Kappa? When exactly did this ‘Kappa variant’ sample make its way to Australia, and how was it transported to the Kirby Institute to be cultured?
…1 day later…
(VIC) MAY 21st – Victorian Contact Tracing made an incorrect determination of a crucial exposure site, and as a result, the wrong Epping Woolworths was closed for “deep cleaning.” There had been two Woolworths in Epping that the infected Wollert individual might have visited — and they got it wrong! This absurd bungle resulted in the Kappa strain flying-off the supermarket shelves and developing into a chaotic Victorian “outbreak.”
…3 days later…
(KIRBY INSTITUTE NSW “MUTANT LAB”) MAY 24th – On May 20th, Associate Professor Stuart Turville announced that the Kirby Institute laboratory HAD THE INDIAN DELTA VARIANT: “The second Indian variant, B.1.617.2, (Delta) is growing in cells right now. On Monday (May 24th) we’ll know” (assumedly he’ll know how “evasive” the Delta might be.)1
(VIC) MAY 24th– There were four “alarming” cases that were detected in the suburb of Epping in Melbourne’s north. The frantic Contact Tracers were absolutely determined to discover these elusive “positive cases,” (after three months of nothing) so they tested, and they tested, and they tested until they finally manifested the exact result they were after: “positive cases.” Positive manifestation! These “cases” were allegedly connected to the original Wollert Man (“patient zero”) and the media was instructed to label them as the Indian double-mutant: Kappa. It was also the first time that “The Man from Wollert” fable was assigned an actual mutant variant other than a nondescript “coronavirus” infection. He had been infected with one of the Indian double-mutant variants after all.
We just did not know about the second one just yet.
…2 days later…
(GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT) MAY 26th – FACEBOOK REVERSES POLICY ON CENSORING LAB LEAK THEORY: In lockstep with the US Government, Facebook announced: “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured from our apps.”2
After months of aggressive censorship, it was now suddenly permissible to entertain and express the opinion that the ‘Wuhan Institute of Virology, which collects and tests coronaviruses, deserved scrutiny.’ Circumstantial evidence indicates that COVID-19 is a bioweapon, and that it most likely leaked from Wuhan’s Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4).
It is almost certain that the virus escaped one of the most secure purpose-built containment facilities on the planet.
In contrast, the Kirby Institute’s “Mutant Lab” is only a biosafety containment level 3 (PC3) facility. How could they ever hope to successfully contain such a Houdini-virus?
…1 day later…
(VIC) MAY 27th – VICTORIA’S FOUTH LOCKDOWN COMMENCES: It is announced Victoria will enter its fourth lockdown for 7-days. The Kappa strain is promoted as “a highly infectious strain of the virus, a variant of concern. Which is running faster than we have ever recorded.” Before it completely spluttered and disappeared in less than a week, it managed to infect a pathetic 4-5 people-a-day amongst a population of 6.7 million.
…4 days later…
(VIC) JUNE 1st – The Kappa double-mutant variant is declared by CHO Brett Sutton as an “absolute beast,” and it is attached to the outlandish lie of “fleeting contact.” Within 24-hours, the two “cases” that were used to substantiate the “fleeting contact” lie were exposed as ‘false positives.’ At the risk of having the legitimacy of all such determined positives (a miniscule 4-6 per day) scrutinized, the embarrassed officials frantically changed their virus narrative, and effectively discarded of the Kappa variant. Suddenly, and inexplicably, there was a SECOND Indian double-mutant variant! This one was called Delta, and it had NEVER been discovered in Australia before (however, it had been delivered internationally to NSW, and cultured at the Kirby “Mutant” Lab on May 24th). If they had not been actively testing for Kappa, it probably would have still remained undetected and irrelevant. Again, it was “alarming.” It was the reason that the Victorian lockdown had to be extended by 7-days as it seemed that this variant ‘was now infecting children.’
…1 day later…
(VIC) JUNE 2nd – AUSTRALIA’S FIRST EVER CASE OF DELTA? The Delta “concern” and a few supposed infections were announced on the first day of the 7-day extension. The authorities did not know where the mysterious Delta strain had come from, but the first infections were amongst a family of Victorians that had RECENTLY RETURNED FROM NSW. The media and government focus would now be exclusively on “the deadly hyper infectious” Delta. The Kappa threat, the actual reason for Victoria’s lockdown, was completely abandoned, and there would be no more significant cases: illogically, only the “threat” of Delta existed now. It still remains unclear how that family, which travelled to Jervis Bay in NSW, contracted the Delta variant.3
…12 days later…
(VIC) JUNE 14th – A SUSPICIOUS DEVELOPMENT: The Sydney Morning Herald publishes a news update on Delta origins, ‘Source of Melbourne’s highly infectious Delta outbreak set to remain mystery, Melissa Cunningham, SMH, June 14:’4
“Victoria’s Deputy Chief Health Officer Allen Cheng says it is unlikely to ever be known how the highly infectious Delta variant of coronavirus leaked out of Victoria’s quarantine system and seeded an outbreak in Melbourne.”
Professor Cheng told The Age on Monday the state’s health officials had exhausted every avenue in their four working theories probing how the Delta variant crept into Melbourne unchecked…”
…2 days later…
(NSW) JUNE 16th – DELTA COMES TO SYDNEY, AGAIN? A 60-year-old Bondi man, who worked as a “limousine driver” transporting international flight crews, just happened to drive the pampered Delta variant into Sydney on a luxurious leather seat.5 He was NSW’s first infection in 40 days, and the sole reason for the current NSW “outbreak” and their indeterminable lockdown. Incidentally, but alarmingly, the Kirby Lab is located 8 kilometers from Bondi, or a mere 19-minute drive.
…3 days later…
(VIC) JUNE 19th – A SUSPICIOUS DEVELOPMENT: The Age publishes a news update on Delta origins, ‘Erased hotel CCTV stopped Delta outbreak probe in its tracks, Paul Sakkal, The Age, June 18:’6
“CCTV footage that could have explained how the Delta variant of COVID-19 seeped into Melbourne was deleted, meaning a key method of investigating a hotel quarantine leak was unable to be used.”
Not suss at all.
…7 days later…
(NSW) JUNE 26th – NSW’S LOCKDOWN COMMENCES: The New South Wales government announced a two-week “stay-at-home order” for Greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong after a “spike” in new Delta cases. The lockdown was predictably extended, and there is no indication that it will end at this present time.
…12 days later…
(VIC) JULY 8th – A three-person Removalist crew arrive in Melbourne from West Sydney. They were not wearing masks, and one individual just happened to be unknowingly “infected,” and he brought the Delta variant back to Victoria: a game of “pass-the farcical-parcel” between Australian states.
…7 days later…
(VIC) JULY 15th – VICTORIA’S FIFTH LOCKDOWN COMMENCES: Premier Dan Andrews announces a 5-day snap lockdown ‘last resort’ for Victoria. The lie of “fleeting transmission/fleeting contact” that was previously debunked and subject to damage control, is once again a prominent issue as deceptively calibrated PCR tests yield fake positives amongst those not physically linked to a direct infection. It must be “fleeting contact” again, even though all previous attempts at establishing this unlikely characteristic have been utterly disproven. A “fleeting transmission” is the fraudulent result of a PCR test being deliberately rigged at 40-45 cycles (34 cycles being the highest threshold to obtain a scientifically meaningful result).
…1 day later…
(VIC) JULY 16th– A KNOWING NOD TO THE TRUTH, PERHAPS: Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszcuk publicly ‘labelled the highly-infectious strain that originated in India the “Sydney Delta variant” and the “Sydney strain,” to which the NSW’s Health Minister, Brad Hazzard, responded, and derided her comments as being “silly”.7
Perhaps Palaszcuk was merely alluding to her awareness of the true origins of Sydney’s current Delta “outbreak,” lauding such knowledge with a wink, wink, over the ignorant millions now obediently locked down.
Again, did it come from the Kirby Institute’s “Mutant Lab?”
…5 days later…
(VIC) JULY 20th – VICTORIA’S 5-DAY LOCKDOWN TO BE EXTENDED BY 7-DAYS: The “highly infectious” Delta variant has struggled to infect anyone (with numbers consistently below ‘20 daily cases’ amongst 6.7 million) yet, after 9 cases it was decreed that the Victorian lockdown would be extended by 7-days.
(SA) JULY 20th– SOUTH AUSTRALIA ENTERS A 7-DAY LOCKDOWN: Five cases of the Delta variant were allegedly detected and according to government health officials — there was ‘no alternative but to impose some fairly heavy and immediate restrictions.’
Actually, the alternative is not to.
(VIC) (NSW) (SA) JULY 21st – The hyperbolic “threat” of the unthreatening non-contagious, slow-spreading Delta variant, has been exploited to enforce a criminal lockdown on 14.5-million people over three Australian states.
…6 days later…
(VIC) JULY 27th – THE VICTORIAN LOCKDOWN 5.0 ENDS: After two weeks, all Victorians were seemingly rewarded for having dutifully suspended all aspects of their lives in observance of the Chief Health Officer’s mandates, and suppression measures. However, residents were still banned from visiting houses, and masks were mandatory everywhere. Alas, it would all prove but a repetitive drill, a stop-start-stop-start leading to another inevitable stop — a psychological and demoralising assault that erodes hope, and programs compliance.
…9 days later…
(VIC) AUGUST 5th– VICTORIA ENTERS LOCKDOWN 6.0 (a precautionary “7-day Snap”): After 0 cases the previous day, suddenly, inexplicably and ultimately mysteriously — ‘a number of unexpected mystery cases’ and ‘two positive cases from a Hobsons Bay couple (a woman who works as a teacher at Al-Taqwa College in Truganina, and a man who works in Caroline Springs) resulted in a total of “6 cases” and a reflexive lockdown order. ‘More than 2000 students and 300 staff members from Al-Taqwa College were told to isolate for 14-days.’ Incidentally, the focus on the Al Taqwa College was a targeted shaming and scapegoating of the Islamic community.
The Orthodox Jewish community was next.
…7 days later…
(ACT) AUGUST 12th – ACT CANBERRA ENTERS 7-DAY SNAP LOCKDOWN: After an extensive four-and-a-half month period of zero daily cases (since March 21st), suddenly, unexpectedly, the horror of a single “Delta case” caused the entire territory of Canberra (ACT) to be placed in a ‘7-day snap lockdown.’ It was the beginning of their extensive lockdown-siege perpetrated by those hell-bent on fear-marketing and shifting their shifty product into all Australian arms — Canberra would not be an exception.
Canberra’s “7-day snap” would be extended numerous times over a laughable trickle of faked daily “cases,” and would end 64-days later on October 15th.
…4 days later…
(VIC) AUGUST 16th – THE JEWISH ENGAGEMENT PARTY “SUPER-SPREADER EVENT:” Footage emerges of an engagement party, all “arrogantly” flouting the lockdown, attended by 69 individuals, claimed to be a “transmission event,” and feared to be a “super-spreader event.” Strategic public indignation is inflamed through the media and the deliberate framing of “selfish, reckless, disconnected and privileged Orthodox Jewry,” and the wider Victorian community is primed to accept the inevitable extension of the lockdown — and blame the Jews. The government is obviously pursuing a policy of ‘divide and conquer’ — creating fragmented squabbling amongst all insular communities and the general public at large. Contextually, it is interesting to note that despite Israel’s Green Pass and the extraordinarily high vaccination rate of coerced Israelis, over a million Orthodox Jews in Israel have abstained and renounced the offered vaccine. Like the Islamic community, the Orthodox Jews were deliberately targeted, humiliated and scapegoated.
The Victorian lockdown would go on… and on… and on…
…53 days later…
(NSW) OCTOBER 9th – A NEW DELTA VARIANT EMERGES IN WESTERN SYDNEY: Chief Health officer Dr Kerry Chant revealed that after a ‘progressive special test on all the isolates’ (an absurd claim)… ‘we’ve detected a genome of the Delta strain which is different from that which was previously transmitting in our community.’8 Apparently, it was ‘linked back to a person who returned from overseas,’ but ‘did not seem to be any more transmissible,’ and was, ‘in essence, another delta strain circulating in the community.’
…6 days later…
(ACT) OCTOBER 15th – ACT (CANBERRA) EXITS “7-DAY SNAP LOCKDOWN” AFTER SIXTY-FOUR DAYS: Vaccine marketing-lockdown-siege complete. The population of Canberra have been cowed, and conquered by “war-strategised” pharmaceutical plunder.
…3 days later…
(NSW) OCTOBER 18th– “NSW FREEDOM DAY”: THE END OF THE LOCKDOWN FOR THE VACCINATED: After 113-days (four months!) of aggressively marketing an unneeded “vaccine” by militant lockdown-siege (overseen and directed by a 4 Star Lieutenant General) — the gullible, browbeaten, downhearted and crestfallen population of NSW were finally free… well, the “double-vaccinated” were deemed eligible to partake in a controlled apartheid-modelled “NewNormal” culture of vaccine passport access and denial: an abhorrent two-tiered system of social segregation. The unvaccinated would have to wait until December the 1st to be permitted to partake in society.
(GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT) OCTOBER 21st – ANOTHER MUTANT! NEW “CHILD OF DELTA” AY.4.2 CIRCULATES IN THE ALARMIST GLOBAL NEWS MEDIA: The complicit global media were today queued to announce the “emergence” of ‘AY.4.2,’ the “new mutation” that was ‘surging’ and ‘spreading’ in the UK and America, and Australia was cautioned to remain vigilant, and prepared.9
Dr Chant had already announced that we had discovered one such infection in Western Sydney.
Predictably, a new “Delta threat” has emerged to coincide with the Northern Hemisphere’s progression into winter, and the desire by the New Normal Architects to further terrorise and traumatise the European, American and United Kingdom with renewed restrictions and lockdowns.
What is planned for the Northern Hemisphere — will inevitably be unleashed upon the Southern Hemisphere 6-months later.
It shall prove the perfect (pre-planned) justification for the ‘80 million booster shots’ Prime Minister Scott Morrison pre-ordered in July (for all Australians over the next two years.)
The Evil underpinning the hoax is relentless, determined, and utterly transparent: it will not stop until the people unite and stop it.
(VIC) OCTOBER 22nd – VICTORIA GRANTS FREEDOM TO THE DOUBLE-VACCINATED, LOCKDOWN ENDS AND THE LOCK-OUT BEGINS: SEGREGATION DAY: After 78-days of a lockdown-vaccine-marketing-siege (extension-after-ludicrous-extension), Victoria celebrated “freedom” by granting limited access to society for those fully-vaccinated. A two-tiered society has been established: and those foregoing experimentation will now be segregated. Having entered Lockdown 6.0 with a mere 6 cases, (and being cunningly deceived by Andrews to continuously extend the lockdown with all manner of pseudoscience and blatant bluffing) — we idiotically exited our lockdown period with consecutive days of 2000+ daily “cases” (all vaccine propagated and injured.) The curfew, and stay-at-home restrictions end, although mandatory masking is still imposed (indoors and outdoors); and vaccinated Victorians are allocated a modicum of controlled “freedom” for their simpering compliance. Cafes, bars and restaurants are capacity capped and require a ‘vaccine certificate’ from patrons to permit an individual to take a seat, while those who are unvaccinated are forbidden.
Unlike NSW (December 1st), there is no current Victorian date for the unvaccinated to eventually reintegrate, and move freely amongst society.
Today marks the heartbreaking day of Victorians discriminating against Victorians at the behest of their criminal government.
Today is a day of statewide shame. The Andrews’ Government has betrayed every Victorian who blindly trusted. He exploited the general gullibility of the dazed masses to implement Medical Fascism — his project delivered for his Masters. Ultimately, however, such betrayal was only made possible by those Victorians who were willing to betray their fellow Victorians — beginning with themselves.
We have all been dealt-a grand deception. Some willingly submitted, but many were aggressively coerced and eventually broken by psychological-warfare and military tactics waged against them by the 4-star Lieutenant General, John Frewen, who was entrusted to coordinate Australia’s ‘National COVID Vaccine Rollout.’ It has been a war enacted upon the people by their own government. With the allegedly (though undoubtedly exaggerated) vaccine targets acquired (both state, and Federal), it is currently “mission accomplished” on the civilian battlefront.
However, the true threatening Delta “virus” seems to have started in the deltoid, and has infected our social soul.
The decisive battle has yet to begin: it will be Biblical.
‘Mutant lab: Is this Australia’s new defence against COVID variants?, Liam Mannix, The Sydney Morning Herald, May 20, 2021:
‘Facebook’s Lab-Leak About-Face,’ The Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal, May 26, 2021:
‘New COVID-19 variant 'of significant concern' emerges in Victoria as state records another four local cases,’ SBSNews, June 4, 2021:
‘Source of Melbourne’s highly infectious Delta outbreak set to remain mystery,’ Melissa Cunningham, The Sydney Morning Herald, June 14, 2021:
How NSW’s COVID-19 outbreak grew from one limo driver to more than 300 cases,’ Paige Cockburn, ABC News, July 7, 2021
‘Erased hotel CCTV stopped Delta outbreak probe in its tracks,’ Paul Sakkal, The Age, June 19, 2021:
‘Australia’s leaders are acting like children,’ Rohan Smith,, July 16, 2021
‘New Delta strain linked to returned overseas traveller from September,’ Helena Burke,, October 9, 2021
Infectious new ‘AY.4.2’ strain of delta variant detected in the US,’ Emily Crane, New York Post, October 21, 2021