PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 14, 2021
Tourism and Transport Forum’s CEO Margy Osmond has expressed that the Australian tourism sector has received its 'final nail.'1
Three sets of school holidays have been impacted by disruptive lockdowns — with the recent Greater Sydney Lockdown costing nationwide tourism businesses upwards of six billion.
"Describing the situation as “grim,” Ms Osmond said the unpredictability of the coronavirus has been a big blow to consumer confidence in the industry.
“There’s some unholy confluence with the virus and the school holidays, so we’ve had three sets of school holidays that have been stymied for one reason or another relating to lockdowns and the virus, she said."
Truthfully, there has been no 'unpredictability of the coronavirus,' it is nothing more than a coercive tool that has been wielded with exactitude by those advancing a biosecurity Techno-Medical Fascism: a slash, and a stab to the essential organs of society.
There has been nothing random, or unpredictable in regards to each hysterical "outbreak," or the purported "cases." Indeed, the "unholy confluence with the virus and the school holidays," is better understood as a deliberate act of financial sabotage committed by a criminal government pursuing a ruthless anti-human agenda.
Each lockdown is intended to be destructive, and each successive lockdown is expected to compound and amplify the rippling multifaceted destruction: economic, health and psychological.
It has all happened because they made it happen — and few resisted, while many acquiesced without question.
A more discerning appraisal by Ms Osmond would have arrived at the only plausible conclusion that should be made: it has all been perfectly timed and executed according to a diabolically (unholy) pre-scripted plan.
Holidays, leisure, and tourism (all essential elements and sources of normal human joy) have no place in the installation of a dystopian vision that is intended to enslave multitudes as it tramples them beneath totalitarian jackboots — while manipulating their despair, as it cunningly corrals the submissive herd into digital gulags of complete control. All that is a fundamental component of the higher human soul is to be shattered: joy is verboten.
Thus, it is all "unholy' and wholly evil, and it is a 'confluence' by intent and premeditated design, with nothing left to chance, and all meticulously calculated to inflict the greatest possible damage to the human spirit and the general liberty of humankind.
It is time to acknowledge the very real presence of an undeniable evil that is underpinning the motivation of our elected officials — they are entirely compromised, and are slavishly executing orders on behalf of a Predator Class, the sub-species Psychopathic "elite" that have assumed dominance of our species; but once exposed, will result in a planet-wide revolution and a cleansing of their curse.
And Truth is what the unholy hunger of the rapacious Predator Class cannot stomach — and it behoves us all to shove it down their insatiable throats!
They have already overextended, and many are awake to their obvious authoritarian overreach — we will win, as they are already toppling from the gravity of their clumsy top-heavy lies.
Have faith, and keep the Light of Truth burning bright!