Well defined. I am pleased you decided the re-issue the story many of us would not have seen. The cult versus the Tribe is beautifully defined.

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Thank you, Jason. It was originally posted on Facebook and largely throttled by algorithmic suppression and the usual demoralization tactics employed by that broken platform. I felt it was always deserving of a much larger and more focused readership.

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Brilliant. A complex discourse, well presented. I will be sharing it widely. Thank you Stephen for freely sharing your "gifts" !

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Much appreciated, Neil!

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Well done, Stephen - your 1st article I have been exposed to and am mightily impressed....Thankyou - looking forward to more...

As a Born-again Christian - it was really concerning to view how 'cultish' our organized Churches became...

Fear being satan's greatest weaponry.

Praise the Lord for Our Tribe which continually met in some shape or form weekly.

Jesus said - I am the Way, The Truth and the Life

John 14:6

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Amen Melinda. Same sex marriage? Church response "crickets" Canberra Hospital takeover? "crickets" Freedom of Speech Bill "crickets" -[ to date].

[God has me in a Bible believing church.]

Search the following on your smart T.V. "Jesus took me to the Tribulation, and gave me a glimpse" uploaded 2 weeks ago, occured 2014, prepared in 2021. We have experienced since - Covid, France burning, America [BLM] Smart Cities, AI etc. John in Revelation describes "swarms of locusts with stings[?]" I interpreted this as modern day drones, as described in Brandon's vision.

Bless you.

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God Bles YOU too, Neil - keep speaking up and out...

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Great piece. You nail the pertinent aspects of this human divide. The key point is that the Tribe are rational/logical and the Cult are irrational/illogical. We have to keep pointing this out because it is their Achilles heel.

On another note, there some really good ideas out there about how we can disconnect ourselves from the matrix (The Sovereign's Way - Law for Mankind) and give the ruling parasites a taste of their own medicine (Cal Washington - InPower Community). These people have walked the walk and learnt what they know the hard way.

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Thank you, Claire! I'll be sure to check out The Sovereign's Way - Law for Mankind and Cal Washington - InPower Community.

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Thank you, I absolutely appreciate the support. I trust your readers will resonate with my delineation of Tribe and Cult and find it useful for illuminating and countering the woke plague that is upon us.

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This is superb. I think you would like my writing, in the same vein: https://thaddeuskozinski.substack.com/p/will-anyone-resist-the-antichrist

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This is an interesting angle you have taken and rings very true, in hindsight. Very well written and incisive. You brought back to memory of how I watched some people with both amusement and some pity in the early phase of the pandemic here in Victoria. Entering supermarkets was like entering the temple of the covid cult. Some people were furiously wiping shopping trolley handles, followed by the ritual of holding their arms in the air and covering their skin with sanitiser, right up to their arm pits before they would enter. It was then I realised that the Obsessive Compulsives had been activated by the propaganda machine. Sanitiser, masks, distancing... They made a display of these behaviours and as with any OCD, they also demanded that the people around them alter their behaviour - to fall in line with their morbid dread of something bad happening to them if it wasn't done. I suspect this may have been some of the foundation to the broad cultish mentality you describe.

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